desperate to know who penned this salty defense of FB against allegations in The Social Dilemma
— Olivia Solon (@oliviasolon) October 2, 2020
This response is just unbelievable. Literally. Some of its claims are absurd, or ignore reality.
— Charles Arthur (@charlesarthur) October 2, 2020
But the fact that Facebook feels it needs to respond shows that this film has really struck a nerve.
Facebook is a massive tech platform whose business model is making profits from content based on its engagement metrics. It incentivizes & rewards content based on its sensational magnetism vs its veracity.
— Susan Bordson (@susanbordson) October 2, 2020
Its algorithms are managed by humans employed by the company.
Facebook stares deeply into its own soul and sees absolutely nothing
— Leigh Drogen (@LDrogen) October 2, 2020
Fact-check: Facebook’s servers are NOT composed of tiny Vincent Kartheisers.
— Adi Robertson (@thedextriarchy) October 2, 2020
I think the rebuttal is very well though through and should be considered. Facebook is an easy punching bag, but the real bad actor's are much deeper and generally more anonymous. We do ourselves and society as a whole a disfavor to place all the blame on facebook.
— Ding Ding Ding (@Tradeogram) October 2, 2020
Facebook *really* doesn’t like the Social Dilemma.
— Nina Schick (@NinaDSchick) October 2, 2020
Spicy Tbf, if the film had been made maybe three or four years ago it would have been a more accurate portrayal of the mechanics, but hindsight gives us more context on why FB's actions were so influential at the time.
— Margi Murphy (@MargiMurphy) October 2, 2020
Facebook has published its review of The Social Dilemma and it did NOT like it.
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) October 2, 2020
I wish all FB's comms was like this, rather than "we take Issue X very seriously and are now talking to external expert researchers in field X to learn how we could be doing better in the future"
— Olivia Solon (@oliviasolon) October 2, 2020
The response of Facebook to the critics of the Social dilemma documentary is wafer-thin. When the users themselves challenge the product, design, and purpose of the platform, I wish they had stronger arguments.
— Tariq KRIM (@tariqkrim) October 3, 2020
The most surprising part of this response to The Social Dilemma documentary was that Facebook uses WordPress for its PR team.
— Jennifer 8. Lee (@jenny8lee) October 2, 2020
facebook appears to be extremely mad about that new netflix doc
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 2, 2020
they must have figured out a lot of people are watching it
I kind of agree with Facebook here. The show focused mostly on the bad and only left a few minutes at the end for a couple of comments on the good side of social media.
— G. Tranchedone (@gtranchedone) October 3, 2020
The thing is, the dilemma is not whether or not social media is good or bad, it’s how we minize the bad.
not sure if a PDF on FB's press blog is gonna compete well with a marquee release on netflix, but yolo
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) October 2, 2020
Omg. Take a bow @tristanharris @sandyparakilas @moonalice @shoshanazuboff
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) October 2, 2020
Facebook is mad about Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma” doc:
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) October 2, 2020
“Rather than offer a nuanced look at technology, it gives a distorted view of how social media
platforms work to create a convenient scapegoat for what are difficult and complex societal
Facebook just released a really good ad for The Social Dilemma. @SocialDilemma_
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) October 2, 2020
Wondering just a little bit if the breadth of mockery of 'The Social Dilemma' was a signal of attitudes shifting more broadly. Peak moral panic, perhaps.
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) October 2, 2020
While I can't really decide what the most wild thing from Facebook's response to Social Dilemma is (Surprise: They didn't love it!), this one shocks me the most. The product is not you ... it's ... advertising...(???)
— Alex Whitcomb (@AlexWhitcomb) October 2, 2020
Why did Facebook post their response to "The Social Dilemma" as a PDF?
— Jon-Stephen Stansel (@jsstansel) October 2, 2020
Come on. Seriously? Aren't know, a tech company?
Good to know they have their priorities when it comes to working to curtail the spread of misinformation. Perhaps they'll release a statement next about the 2010 film The Social Network
— Pearl Freier (@PearlF) October 2, 2020
You don’t have to choose between Facebook propaganda and @SocialDilemma_ propaganda.
— SIVA VAIDHYANATHAN??? (@sivavaid) October 2, 2020
There are actual books you can read to understand these companies and their technologies.
Please read books, folks. They are good for you.
"Our News Feed product teams are not incentivized to build features that increase time-spent on our products"
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) October 2, 2020
Lol yes they are!
ONE of the wild things about Facebook’s criticisms of The Social Dilemma is that they are big mad that the filmmakers didn’t interview any *current* insiders, just *former* ones. ?
— The Spook who sat by the Ring Doorbell (@hypervisible) October 2, 2020
You'd think Facebook wouldn't have time to rebut a movie with an election in a month, seeing as their platform is plagued by problems just like it was in 2016.
— Jordan Liles (@jordanliles) October 2, 2020
You'd think that would be the case.
Nice of Facebook to compile all their big talking points from the last four years in one place – complete with all the classic loopholes and information gaps we know and love!
— Laurence Dodds ? (@LFDodds) October 2, 2020
Quite glad FB has done this. It will keep the story running and now more people will watch the documentary.
— Mike Butcher (@mikebutcher) October 2, 2020
I for one appreciate Facebook's diligent attempt to stamp out misinformation and conspiracy theories on Netflix.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) October 2, 2020
This definitely has the tone of a company that sees its role in all the damage that is being done and sounds poised to fix it.
— Bob Sullivan (@RedTapeChron) October 2, 2020
'The Social Dilemma,' a popular Netflix documentary is a must watch to understand the societal impact of social media.
— Raju Vegesna (@rajuv) October 3, 2020
Facebook is a profoundly unethical company, and it starts at the top, with Mark
— Grady Booch (@Grady_Booch) October 3, 2020
? Wow...
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 2, 2020
Facebook has published this official response to Netflix’s ‘The Social Dilemma’ documentary
In a completely unexpected turn of events, it turns out Facebook wasn't a huge fan of The Social Dilemma. "You are not the product"...they just...use your personal data for advertising.
— Pando (@PandoDaily) October 2, 2020
FacebookがNetflix『監視資本主義』に怒りのステートメント。複雑な問題に歪んだスケープゴート極論ぶつけてる&Netflix自体もアルゴリズム使ってる、みたいな批判は一理あるのですがデータ問題セクションで "We do not want this data" って強調断言してるのが気になった
— うまみゃん/辰巳JUNK (@TTMJUNK) October 4, 2020
This answer from FB to the Social Dilemma is really lame. As an expert on the algorithmic part this sounds really like the work of an intern ?
— Xavier Amatriain - BLM (@xamat) October 4, 2020
これ元FBやTwitterやGoogleのエンジニアやPMがSNSの依存性やFake news,政治的分断といった昔から言われてる問題を扱ったドキュメンタリーで使う側だけでなくて作る側の倫理も問う内容で分かりやすくまとまっていた.これに対してFB側からも反論出てるので両方見ると良さそう
— Taichi Nakashima (@deeeet) October 4, 2020