omg, Google saw the marketing mess that Apple made for itself and decided…let’s do that too.
— Jon Maddox (@maddox) September 30, 2020
Google now makes two different Google TVs, Android TV, and YouTube TV. Sure.
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 30, 2020
Also it’s not YouTube TV.
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) September 30, 2020
Google TV has an apps-only mode
— Stephen Hall (@hallstephenj) September 30, 2020
Excited for the launch of the new Chromecast with Google TV today. With the Live Tab on Google TV, @YouTubeTV members can easily see what's airing now and what’s playing next. Plus, you can search for your favorite @YouTube videos just by asking @Google…
— Neal Mohan (@nealmohan) September 30, 2020
Unfolding scenarios to the future of entertainment...
— Sameer Nair (@nairsameer) October 1, 2020
1. The Individual Apps
2. The Aggregator Super Apps
3. The Aggregator Devices
4. And now this...Search Across!@paritoshZero @dharmeshamehta @SunilLulla @rajcheerfull @iamgauravgandhi @001Danish
Excited to be one of the only *6* launch partners for the new #GoogleTV. Kudos to the entire team at @Viki for the effort that went into integrating all the new features. (look for Rakuten Viki in the blog post and launch Video :)) #AndroidDev
— Saurabh Arora (@saurabh_arora90) October 1, 2020