Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has said the regulator will continue to monitor Uber 'and will not hesitate to take swift action should they fail to meet the strict standards'.
— SkyNews (@SkyNews) September 28, 2020
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Good. Not only is Uber an important part of keeping Londoners moving, but 45,000 drivers rely on it as a source of income.
— Lewis Feilder (@LewisFeilder) September 28, 2020
Sadiq Khan has persecuted the company relentlessly and I'm glad to see it vindicated in a court of law.
I wonder if they would have come to this ruling were we not in a pandemic, suffice to say rather an Uber than a bl@ck cab (c@bbies are nasties who search terms on twitter)
— •????• (@agirlcalledlina) September 28, 2020
As they should. They provide a better service and it is a free market. Black cabs don’t wanna join as they’d have to pay tax so let them rot.
— ?topher? (@topherwalkerb) September 28, 2020
I recall being told that this was definitely all politics because London has elected a mayor from the Comintern, and there's no way this would ever happen.
— Chris Cook (@xtophercook) September 28, 2020
How many illegal practices does a company really have to commit to be deemed “not fit and proper”?
— Tony B (@Anthony23Bryant) September 28, 2020
It seems this company can ride roughshod through legislation now.
Uber judged 'fit and proper' to operate in London | Business News | Sky News
If a Black Taxi driver or minicab operator had flouted the rules like Uber, they’d have lost their licence. It’s one rule for them and another for the tax-avoiding, rule-flouting multinational company based in San Francisco. This decision stinks.
— Wes Streeting MP (@wesstreeting) September 28, 2020
BREAK: Uber has won its legal fight to regain a London operator's license as a judge found the ride-hailing app "fit and proper"
— Ryan Browne (@Ryan_Browne_) September 28, 2020
Good news for Londoners, good news for drivers using the Uber app, and good news for UK policymaking
— Chris Yiu (@clry2) September 28, 2020
"A judge has ruled that Uber is 'fit and proper' to hold an operating licence in London despite 'historical failings'."
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) September 28, 2020
【速報】米ウーバー、英ロンドン市との裁判で勝訴 ハイヤー事業免許と営業許可を勝ち取る
— お賽銭マン (@OSAISENMAN) September 28, 2020
Uber Can Continue Operating in London, Judge Rules
サンキュー ロンドン法廷!(`・ω・)b
— フォニック (@kabuphonic) September 28, 2020
Uber Can Continue Operating in London, Judge Rules
That's great news
— Prof Shafi Ahmed PhD FRCS (@ShafiAhmed5) September 28, 2020
Uber secures right to continue operating in London
#Uber secures right to continue operating in #London Fit and proper'
— London Traffic Watch (@LondonTrafficW1) September 28, 2020
Deputy chief magistrate Tan Ikram said he took Uber's "track-record of regulation breaches" into account but said it had made efforts ? to address failings and had improved standards.