didn’t read but seems cool https://t.co/w8c2XnC1fJ
— Robin Wauters @ Tech.eu (@robinwauters) September 24, 2020
Can someone please read this article for me. https://t.co/BJKotCKLsw
— Dave Zatz (@davezatz) September 24, 2020
Prompting people to read an article before they share it. Crazy idea, I know, but it...actually works. https://t.co/VDBTCQxiPv
— Brandon (@bborrman) September 24, 2020
my favorite is when you guys tell me to read my own stuff https://t.co/A1DTMkTxh2
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) September 24, 2020
This is good news, exactly the kind of just-in-time nudge that you would hope works https://t.co/Ls6pyozR1v
— Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) September 25, 2020
Twitter is doing that infuriating jumping. Just read a really interesting research article in Science on the use of ultra-potent antibodies against Covid, but the screen jumped before I could retweet.
— Dr « Keep Calm & Carp On » Lindsay Maxwell (@ParisDaguerre) September 24, 2020
? More reading – people open articles 40% more often after seeing the prompt
— Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) September 24, 2020
? More informed Tweeting – people opening articles before RTing increased by 33%
? Some people didn’t end up RTing after opening the article – which is fine! Some Tweets are
best left in drafts ?
What’s next:
— Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) September 24, 2020
? Making the prompt smaller after you’ve seen it once, because we get that you get it
?Working on bringing these prompts to everyone globally soon ? pic.twitter.com/08WygQi06G
it's been annoying me but it works https://t.co/f4m79TPV9H
— twink-182 (@miserabletop) September 24, 2020
Further evidence that the retweet and share, in their current manifestation, are garbage https://t.co/8SQELIMsIb
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) September 24, 2020
— Dan Froomkin/PressWatchers.org (@froomkin) September 25, 2020
Twitter’s experiment to get people to ACTUALLY READ THE CONTENT THEY'RE SHARING is going so well the company plans to expand it to the platform at large “very soon.” https://t.co/a8zKyTVLY6
We recently experimented with a "nudge" that encourages people to read linked articles before Retweeting them if we notice they haven't. We were encouraged by the results and are sharing our learnings Below. We'll be rolling this out globally soon! https://t.co/hbfF4pogmA
— Kayvon Beykpour (@kayvz) September 24, 2020
It's a helpful feature but Twitter could have prioritised the "Edit" button before this...? Anyway, do you read the full article before retweeting a title/link? #Twitter #articles #FridayThoughts https://t.co/hkKt27PEbk
— Techzim (@Techzim) September 25, 2020
Twitter's been prompting some users to actually read articles before sharing.
— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) September 24, 2020
great results from that test, so soon they'll roll it out globally ? https://t.co/DHLiDIh7uE
Gotta admit I’m curious if the “Have you read the article you’re about to tweet?” prompt has decreased how often people hlepfully explain journalists’ own articles to them, or if readers still skip the bylines. https://t.co/kiHLKhFfGZ
— Mika McKinnon (@mikamckinnon) September 24, 2020
Simple but profound. Now going global ?@kayvz https://t.co/nijbuGxVJ2
— Manish Maheshwari (@manishm) September 24, 2020
1/ Start with good ambition (more truth, less misinfo)
— Nikkia Reveillac (@nikkastar) September 24, 2020
2/ Set a clear goal (make more people read b4 they RT)
3/ Build a people-first solution (friendly prompt)
4/ Watch & learn (yay! they're opening articles!)
5/ Share learning ('cause the people need to know!)
6/ Keep it going https://t.co/dhqU1akmNL
Remember that read before you tweet test? Well, it worked. More clicks on articles, more reading before RTing, less uninformed Tweets. Slowing the spread of misinformation. Details ?: https://t.co/zYdvOr9dkK
— Monique Meche (@moniqueMeche) September 25, 2020
Some results from us prompting folks to read articles before sharing https://t.co/jz6SSadvBK
— jack (@jack) September 24, 2020
We shouldn't have to say this, but you should read an article before you Tweet it. https://t.co/Apr9vZb2iI
— Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) September 24, 2020
So, we’ve been prompting some people to do exactly that. Here’s what we’ve learned so far. ⤵️
Promising results from @Twitter’s efforts to increase responsible sharing & RTing ⬇️
— Aleksandra Kuzmanovic (@KuzmanovicA) September 24, 2020
? #COVID19 infodemic https://t.co/oWty1wjKxh
Read before you tweet ... ?
— Gisella Lomax ? (@GisellaLomax) September 24, 2020
Twitter’s initial results of their new initiative to encourage informed and thoughtful tweeting. https://t.co/AHrm2c0QZw
ok but what if we got rid of all the fascists https://t.co/jrWShdCAlA
— Abby Fuller (@abbyfuller) September 24, 2020
No. Your "push" isn't what did it. The media so frequently tweet headlines that are utterly disconnected from the stories themselves that we open the stories out of a sense of wonder https://t.co/dUH9b1BU77
— NiedermeyersDeadHorse aka NDH (@NiedsG) September 24, 2020
Twitter plans to bring prompts to read before you retweet to all Twitter users - TechCrunch https://t.co/3i9bDqOLUX
— Evan Kirstel #RemoteWork (@EvanKirstel) September 24, 2020
트위터 모든 사용자에게 [리트윗 전에 링크를 읽어보세요] 메시지 띄울 계획
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) September 25, 2020
Twitter plans to bring prompts to ‘read before you retweet’ to all users | TechCrunch https://t.co/7HJi39agkQ
The prompt worked -> Twitter says its test to prompt users to read articles before retweeting was a success, with users opening articles 40% more and sometimes opting not to retweet https://t.co/SSFvAeSzZp pic.twitter.com/lKCpAiM3jy
— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) September 25, 2020
I actually didn't read this article before I tweeted it. ? (Just kidding.) https://t.co/Doi2R1Ogh5
— Nic Garcia (@NicGarcia) September 25, 2020
I'm pleased to see Twitter is doing this https://t.co/Wjd05MDsX1
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) September 25, 2020
Check it. #Twitter plans to bring prompts to 'read before you retweet' to all users https://t.co/V8tRBcSf9T via @techcrunch #tech #digital #data #business pic.twitter.com/qAkwqn99Ms
— Kohei Kurihara -DataPrivacy for Fighting Covid-19- (@kuriharan) September 25, 2020
Twitter plans to bring prompts to 'read before you retweet' to all users | Twitter says the prompts worked, and users opened articles before sharing them 40% more often than they did without the nudge. https://t.co/1QMG1evPcF via @techcrunch pic.twitter.com/6HwbTKPETB
— Michelle Manafy+ ? (@michellemanafy) September 25, 2020
Twitter plans to bring prompts to “read before you retweet” to all users. In its test of the feature, people opened articles 40% more often after seeing the prompt. https://t.co/YLcdOsKa1Q
— Elana Zak (@elanazak) September 24, 2020
— Go Ando / THE GUILD (@goando) September 25, 2020
Twitter will ask everyone if they read an article before they retweet it https://t.co/qv3jUDnRjn via @mashable
— Candice Frederick (@ReelTalker) September 25, 2020
Don't retweet this before reading it https://t.co/ZpJRV3awXd
— FutureShift (@futureshift) September 25, 2020
Twitter says its test to get people to read articles before tweeting worked https://t.co/t5tbcgUSjE via @engadget
— Liberation Technology (@Liberationtech) September 25, 2020
Twitter's experiment to get more people to read articles before tweeting worked #twitter https://t.co/nd6JyQwYcH pic.twitter.com/3mudVmklc0
— Neowin (@NeowinFeed) September 24, 2020
Twitter is bringing its ‘read before you retweet’ prompt to all users https://t.co/1Y1JEIHcrT pic.twitter.com/KDERMGl0Td
— The Verge (@verge) September 25, 2020
So you're not shocked ? https://t.co/C6OYTeNMaP
— TessA~6%~AsseT (@DrinkwithTessa) September 25, 2020
I approve of this.https://t.co/znm70KQRYk
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) September 25, 2020
— 竹本 祐也┇WACUL CFO (@tkmtyy) September 25, 2020
∥Twitter plans to bring prompts to 'read before you retweet' to all users https://t.co/K8drsJO1eZ pic.twitter.com/qVHi7uSyh5
Instagram and Twitter are testing pop-ups to change user behavior around stuff like harassment and misinformation. those tests look promising but how much friction will social media companies be willing to introduce to clean their platforms up? https://t.co/SpdDanPl2c
— Taylor Hatmaker (@tayhatmaker) September 25, 2020
— kato (@kuromitsu_ka) September 25, 2020
Twitter plans to bring prompts to 'read before you retweet' to all users https://t.co/t0evlgcIa0 @techcrunchより pic.twitter.com/rV2pwZj3nY
See a cool headline, retweet it. Easy, right?
— Luosheng Peng (@LuoshengPeng) September 25, 2020
Sure it is, but if you haven't actually read the article, you may be retweeting nonsense, or even worse, completely false info.
A test of the new feature found ppl opened articles 40% more often.https://t.co/spG1GSduRk
트위터가 이용자가 트윗에 포함된 기사 링크를 읽지 않고 리트윗할 경우 "read before you retweet"라는 경고를 보여줄 예정이라고. https://t.co/vSONjN43GV 제목만 읽어서는 기사 내용을 잘 알 수 없는 경우가 많은데 좋은 아이디어. pic.twitter.com/TWjIdH8ejZ
— 에스티마 (@estima7) September 26, 2020
Twitter is bringing its ‘read before you retweet’ prompt to all users https://t.co/t0JScaPiqx via @Verge
— y’all don’t read ? (@anthoknees) September 26, 2020