Hard to give much credit to @github for this when they could have just dropped ICE as a customer and really stood for something, like not putting kids in cages or forcing hysterectomies on women. It’s a vanity fix for broken leadership. https://t.co/rMSp6gppM0
— Zach Holman (@holman) September 20, 2020
GitHub is delivering on its CEO's promise and will replace 'master' with 'main' starting next month
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) September 20, 2020
Starting October 1, all new GitHub repos will be named "main" instead of "master"https://t.co/8Q2ktWX6C1 pic.twitter.com/NFsIlL0BfD
“Starting next month, all new source code repositories created on GitHub will be named "main" instead of "master" as part of the company's effort to remove unnecessary references to slavery and replace them with more inclusive terms.” https://t.co/j4vQQUDZlN
— Taylor Poindexter (@engineering_bae) September 20, 2020
Github still contracts with ICE. Their parent company, Microsoft, still contracts with ICE. This month ICE deported a key witness in a sexual assault case, and a whistleblower said women have been sterilized against their will in ICE detention. https://t.co/3MDlheB8HB
— A Gentleman in Virginia (@taotetek) September 20, 2020
Recommended Read: GitHub to replace 'master' with 'main' starting next month https://t.co/suQfKJ1RKa #devopsish
— Chris Short ?????????????? (@ChrisShort) September 20, 2020
Github: "Master" to become "Main".#100DaysOfCode#github #100DaysOfCloudhttps://t.co/HV7F6z1QlS
— Milind Bhadane (@milindbhadane) September 20, 2020
— Aman Tandon (@_amantandon) September 20, 2020
Does @ApacheSolr has plans for #solr #master #slave architecture name references too ??
Defaults matter and @github agrees, changing the default repo name from `master` to `main`! #NeutralJargon https://t.co/yrqsWLdBK4 https://t.co/vrlyrFEH5I
— Chris Messina (@chrismessina) September 20, 2020
starting next month, all new repositories created on @github will be named "main" instead of "master" as part of the company's effort to remove unnecessary references to slavery and replace them with more inclusive terms ?https://t.co/jFovS9WKeM ? #100DaysOfCode #GitHub
— Rishi Pithadiya (28% of 2020 left) (@rishipi) September 20, 2020
Great show GitHub, now stop collaborating with ICE https://t.co/2Y0IHieGb7
— quarantine 'em (@qntm) September 19, 2020
GitHub default name branch changes (but you can opt out!) https://t.co/S0QxuMdmSe #programming #softwareengineering #bigdata #datascience #analytics #ai #python #javascript
— Lewis Gavin (@GavLaaaaaaaa) September 19, 2020
If you are using @github, consider the new naming conventions when creating new repos: Use "main" instead of "master".
— Fernando Cejas (@fernando_cejas) September 17, 2020
Here is the reason: https://t.co/KOMgvAzp4c#git #dev #VCS #engineering #programming
— Shun Takagiwa (@shun_tak) September 16, 2020
On October 1, 2020: newly-created repositories will default to main https://t.co/lBJqgWMFem
— Thomas Vochten (@ThomasVochten) September 14, 2020