WSJ: 바이트댄스와 트럼프 행정부, 틱톡 미국 부문 매각하지 않고 사용금지를 피할 수 있는 옵션 협의
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) September 9, 2020
- 미국 내 틱톡 사용금지 최종기한인 9월 15일 가까이 다가와
- 8월 말 월마트는 틱톡 미국, 캐나다, 호주, 뉴질랜드 사업 인수 위해 MS와 손잡고 오라클도 잠재적 경쟁자
#TikTok やはり身売りができなくなった?
— 米国株ブタ子??から配信中? (@BullBearButa) September 9, 2020
中国政府がTikTokの売却が困難となるような措置を取ったため、 TikTokの企業ByteDanceは、TikTok米国事業の完全売却を回避できるような取り決めを米国政府と協議しているという。
ByteDance is lobbying the Trump administration for a way to avoid a full sale of TikTok's U.S. operations, in part by arguing that shutting down the app would affect a sizable number of politically conservative users.@miriamgottfried @georgia_wells
— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) September 10, 2020
TikTok parent ByteDance Ltd. is discussing w/ the U.S. government possible arrangements to avoid a full sale of its U.S. operations, according to people familiar with the matter.
— Kate Davidson (@KateDavidson) September 9, 2020
New from @miriamgottfried @georgia_wells and me:
— Tetsuro Miyatake (@tmiyatake1) September 10, 2020
Key point being made by @Tiktok to White House in this piece is that the app has plenty of conservative voices which @FoxBusiness reported in early Aug cc @LJMoynihan
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) September 9, 2020
It's odd that the CIA would be involved in vetting a domestic security threat. "TikTok’s major investors—Sequoia Capital, General Atlantic and Coatue Management LLC—met last week in Virginia with [reps] from the CIA to discuss data security..." via @WSJ
— Julian Ku 古舉倫 (@julianku) September 9, 2020
— 投資初心者@主に米国株?? (@novice3investor) September 9, 2020
このニュースで $MSFT &WMT $ORCL などが下落
TikTok is discussing with the U.S. government possible arrangements that would allow the app to avoid a full sale of its U.S. operations
— Georgia Wells (@georgia_wells) September 9, 2020
By @miriamgottfried, me, @KateDavidson, @johndmckinnon, @CaraRLombardo, @aatilley:
In making the case for an alternative to a sale, ByteDance is arguing that a sizable percentage of TikTok users skew politically conservative. That runs counter to perception that took hold after teen users tried to undercut attendance at a Trump rally.
— Miriam Gottfried (@miriamgottfried) September 9, 2020
Op-ed: Trump's campaign against Huawei, Chinese tech will backfire @CNBC
— Bill Mew #DigitalEthics #TrustinTech #BLM (@BillMew) September 10, 2020
Licensing #Huawei’s #5G patent portfolio would help US harness 5G potential @IanMCalvert @SkydiveMacca @dhinchcliffe @MarshaCollier @AkwyZ @WearablesExpert @imoyse @DT
CNBC: Trump’s campaign against Huawei, Chinese tech will backfire.
— Belt and Road & Beyond (@BeltandRoadDesk) September 10, 2020
My take: Give China another 20 years, it will beat US on technology!
TikTok, U.S. Discuss Ways to Avoid Sale - WSJ
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) September 10, 2020
틱톡, 미국정부와 틱톡 미국 사업 부분 전체 매각 피할 수 있는 방법 논의 중, 틱톡 소유권 유지하면서 규제기관 만족할 수 있는 솔루션 찾는 중. 틱톡 데이터 운영 제어권을 미국 기술회사에 넘기는 것 포함.
ByteDance is talking with the US government about ways to avoid a full sale of @tiktok_us #China
— Eunice Yoon (@onlyyoontv) September 10, 2020
ByteDance is talking with the U.S. government about ways to avoid a full sale of TikTok
— cybercash28 (@MadMraket) September 9, 2020
Good for $FSLY !!!!!!!!
Great add !!!!$FSLY Dropped from $117.79 b/c of the
Negative TikTok news !
Now it's Positive !!
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) September 9, 2020
— あんぴこん (@UnconstrainedI) September 10, 2020
ByteDance is talking with the U.S. government about ways to avoid a full sale of TikTok
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) September 9, 2020
WSJ: Bytedance, TikTok 미국 운영권 완전히 포기하지 않기 위한 협상에 박차 가해. 정치적 복잡함이 크고 타협 지점도 폭넓기 때문에 소식통도 어떻게 될지 확언하기는 어려운 상황.
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) September 9, 2020