In 2019, the e-commerce giant began work on a new 43-story tower in Bellevue, Washington. Now it bought more space and is hiring more workers.
— USA TODAY Money (@USATODAYmoney) September 4, 2020
That sucking sound you hear in #Seattle is $AMZN planning to hire 10,000 people ... in Bellevue, WA#money is mobile and will flow, like water, to where it is treated best.
— Keith Fitz-Gerald (@fitz_keith) September 4, 2020
In 2019, the e-commerce giant began work on a new 43-story tower in Bellevue, Washington. Now it bought more space and is hiring more workers.
— USA TODAY Money (@USATODAYmoney) September 5, 2020
The real HQ2: Amazon adding 10k more jobs in Bellevue, growing further beyond downtown Seattle via @GeekWire by @Taylor_Soper tip @Techmeme
— toddbishop (@toddbishop) September 4, 2020
Amazon to hire 10,000 more employees in Bellevue, Washington
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) September 4, 2020