Facebook halts Oculus Quest sales in Germany amid privacy concerns https://t.co/oPpf3CEZeC
— Andres Guadamuz (@technollama) September 4, 2020
Is Germany the only country that is sane at the moment?https://t.co/ZY7fKUFZMJ
— Skeeva (@skeeva) September 3, 2020
「Facebook Horizonはリアルタイムでルール違反を監視可能」
— 堂堂 | World Maker Inc. (@iwhododo) September 2, 2020
皆がVR HMDつけてる中で闊歩するマークザッカーバーグ氏の写真、ディストピアすぎて最高にイカしてるhttps://t.co/lXaU9WnwX8 pic.twitter.com/wrx5no9CqR
In 'Horizon' Facebook Can Invisibly Observe Users in Real-time to Spot Rule Violations https://t.co/IFZxDQ7Y05 pic.twitter.com/zxdzoV398A
— Road to VR (@RtoVR) August 28, 2020
2020 or 1984?
— Obi.hodl ₿⚔️ (@obi) September 1, 2020
Prediction: Opening a Facebook account will eventually require submission of government issued ID on its journey towards becoming the world's first true panopticon.https://t.co/tOMl5UMbrv
This is simply amazing journalism and I could not have better said it. Thanks @benz145 ! What a fantastic opinion piece: https://t.co/JA8lkMVtuM
— Sebastian Ang (@mixedrealityTV) August 30, 2020
We all know Fakebook is just testing this in game, and will soon roll it out on their site and eventually sell it to others. If you think the internet is bad now, just wait till Big Brother is watching (well, recording) everything you do in real time!https://t.co/02BIxO4Rqd
— RGE (Blade Devil live now on Indiegogo!) (@RageGoldenEagle) August 28, 2020
In ‘Horizon’ Facebook Can Invisibly Observe Users in Real-time to Spot Rule Violations https://t.co/nrLjmqTtky
— Nathie (@NathieVR) August 28, 2020
I'd like to thank everyone working at @Facebook/@oculus! Your attempt at the metaverse starts with a dystopia instead of working to get there.
— Chet Faliszek (@chetfaliszek) August 29, 2020
You have saved us all so much time... https://t.co/YtH4B9HND1 https://t.co/yk0YxmACRw
Well done German regulators calling silicon valley on its bullshit https://t.co/mNzmGNlNao
— Claire Blackshaw (@EvilKimau) September 3, 2020
meanwhile, in a country with a functioning regulatory apparatus: https://t.co/H5J1MmqvuW
— JP (@vectorpoem) September 4, 2020
Questの使用に今後Facebookアカウントが必須になるという方針が、ドイツでGDPR関連で問題視されているようで、Questのドイツでの販売が停止されているらしい https://t.co/Gwxqh72IEW
— RAT_SAN (@RATSAN9) September 5, 2020
— Alexis Ohanian Sr. ? (@alexisohanian) September 4, 2020
Facebook's decision to force Oculus users to log-in through their social media platform is wrong. This large scale data harvesting needs to stop. https://t.co/XFFbOHR1nC
— ProPrivacy (@weareproprivacy) September 4, 2020