Facebook's #AI can generate #MRI images in minutes instead of an hour https://t.co/zQge0vaw9U @engadget #eHealth #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #BigData #facebook #innovation #MachineLearning
— J-F Gregoire (@Poussun) August 19, 2020
Am I the only one who is concerned that Facebook is going into the MRI business? https://t.co/c6eP5n2laL
— Andres Guadamuz (@technollama) August 18, 2020
Facebook and NYU use artificial intelligence to make MRI scans four times faster https://t.co/pkLn2SjPTg #ArtificialIntelligence
— Machine Learning (@machinelearnflx) August 19, 2020
Facebook and NYU use artificial intelligence to make MRI scans four times faster https://t.co/nE21rV42Qm via @Verge #machinelearning #100DaysOfCode
— Samuel Akinosho® (@SamuelAkins12) August 19, 2020
Excellent news!https://t.co/I85bcZWntj
— Berci Meskó, MD, PhD (@Berci) August 19, 2020
Facebook and #NYU use #ArtificialIntelligence
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) August 19, 2020
to make #MRI #scans four times faster https://t.co/cGmPj6e2xs #fintech #insurtech #insurance #healthcare @jjvincent @verge #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @ahier @sallyeaves @Paula_Piccard @YuHelenYu @DioFavatas @HaroldSinnott pic.twitter.com/7tAbj3d9mq
Facebook and NYU use artificial intelligence to make MRI scans four times faster https://t.co/Cl2bf1k67c #machinelearning
— PhilipPaisnel (@PhilipPaisnel) August 19, 2020
Facebook and NYU use artificial intelligence to make MRI scans four times faster #DigitalTransformation #digital #transformation https://t.co/X04Pfrmj1z
— Paula Piccard ?? ?? (@Paula_Piccard) August 19, 2020
Facebook and NYU use artificial intelligence to make MRI scans four times faster https://t.co/zOyvtA3bi0 pic.twitter.com/GXrsk81Wgw
— The Verge (@verge) August 18, 2020
Facebook and NYU use artificial intelligence to make MRI scans four times fasterhttps://t.co/bIBzQGWDvl @verge#ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Healthcare #DataScience #DeepLearning #Healthtech #Algorithms #Medicine #MachineLearning #MRI #Health #AI pic.twitter.com/OlpRshS3KE
— Marcus Borba (@marcusborba) August 18, 2020