Apple fires back at Epic: ‘We won’t make an exception’
— The Verge (@verge) August 18, 2020
Apple Threatens to Terminate Epic Games' Developer Accounts on August 28
— Rob (@robkol24601) August 17, 2020
Apple continues with the nuclear method. Hopefully behind the scenes they aren’t.
— Ryan Jones (@rjonesy) August 17, 2020
I imagine Apple wins the injunction (Epic agreed to these rules) so Epic’s account will be terminated in 14 days.
Unreal and Fortnite are apparently on the same developer program. This is, uh, a big deal for UE4.
— Em Lazer-Walker (@lazerwalker) August 17, 2020
@film_girl oh oh. It’s escalating.
— #BLM (@coldfusionMBE) August 17, 2020
Epic fucked around and found out, and they don't like what they found out.
— Nash Across the 8th Dimension (@Nash076) August 17, 2020
Apple sucks. Their terms of service sucks.
But if you go to Disneyland and piss in the teacups, you don't get to go to Epcot for lunch.
How Apple's battle with Epic Games could affect hundreds of other games beyond Fortnite
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) August 17, 2020
— すてィーろ (@stilo) August 18, 2020
"私たちは、お客様を保護するためのガイドラインよりも、Epic のビジネス上の利益を優先させることが正しいとは考えていないため、Epic のために例外を設けることはありません。"
애플, 에픽이 제기한 문제는 에픽이 자신들이 동의한 개발자 규정을 따르는 업데이트를 제출하기만 하면 해결 될 일이라며 에픽을 위해 예외를 적용할 생각이 전혀 없음을 밝혀.
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) August 18, 2020
에픽이 공개한 애플 측 서한을 보면 언리얼 엔진 관련 최적화 협력은 종료 항목 중 하나로 언급하긴 했네요.
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) August 18, 2020
애플이 에픽의 포트나이트 뿐만 아니라 언리얼 엔진에 대한 맥과 아이폰의 기술지원도 중단한다는 모양이군요.
— g-Matrix (@idgmatrix) August 18, 2020 ... 멍청한 애플. 개발사들이 애플을 버릴 것 같냐 아니면 언리얼을 버릴 것 같냐. 거기 붙은게 혹시 대가리면 한번 생각을 해봐라.
— Woojin Kim (@neoocean) August 18, 2020
This is getting juicy. Epic changes billing to not go through Apple. Apple kicks fortnite off ios app store. Epic sues apple. Apple threatens to remove all Mac iOS access for epic and its unreal engine. Epic's move now. I'm thinking tim v tim slap fight
— Tarmack (@TheTarmack) August 18, 2020