Instagram kept deleted photos and messages on its servers for more than a year
— The Verge (@verge) August 14, 2020
Instagram kept deleted photos and messages on its servers for more than a year [Fixed]
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) August 14, 2020
Personal Data Found on Instagram's Servers 7 Years After User Deleted Files
— (@geekdotcom) August 14, 2020
인스타그램, 1년 이상 동안 사진 및 PM 계속 삭제한 버그 있었지만 이제 수정해
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) August 14, 2020
- 한 보안연구자, 이 버그 발견하고 보고한 후 회사로부터 $6000 받아
- 이는 인스타그램이 새로운 유럽 데이터 규정 준수하기 위해 2018년 론칭한 한 기능 때문
Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules The photo-sharing app retained people’s photos and private direct messages on its servers even after users removed them.
— Sean Harris (@InfoSecHotSpot) August 14, 2020
Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules #vulnerabilities #hacks #security #malware #privacy #ransomware #databreach #iot #nsa #infosec #phishing #0day #privacy #cybersecurity
— Lance Schukies (@LanceSchukies) August 14, 2020
Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules:
— The Cyber Security Hub™ (@TheCyberSecHub) August 14, 2020
Got Featured on @TechCrunch. ?
— Saugat Pokharel (@saugatpk5) August 14, 2020
Thank you @TechCrunch and @zackwhittaker for giving space to a bug which I found on Instagram few months back.
This coverage will always remain as a great motivation for me. #bugbounty
New: Instagram wasn't deleting photos and direct messages from its servers, even after users thought they had deleted them.
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) August 13, 2020
Why does anyone trust that the front-end UX buttons are tied in any way to backend systems? If that were true, I could make myself a millionaire by opening Chrome Inspector while viewing my bank balance online. That’s ?not?how?it?works!
— Myles Younger (@Myles_Younger) August 13, 2020
Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules #GDPR #cybersecurity #security
— Paula Piccard ?? ?? (@Paula_Piccard) August 14, 2020
.@instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules
— Fabrizio Bustamante (@Fabriziobustama) August 14, 2020
By @threatpost #BugBounty #GDPR #Dataprivacy
Cc: @sallyeaves @BillMew @NevilleGaunt @robmay70 @DrJDrooghaag @Corix_JC @archonsec @AghiathChbib @gvalan @CioAmaro @Shirastweet @mclynd
Instagram kept deleted photos and messages on its servers for more than a year
— ProPrivacy - Compliance Solutions (@ProPrivacyIE) August 14, 2020
#Instagram kept users’ deleted photos and messages on its servers for over a year after they were supposed to be erased. How are we supposed to trust Big Tech with our private information? #InternetofBad #PlatformAccountability
— CreativeFuture (@CreativeFuture) August 14, 2020
Instagram kept deleted photos and messages on its servers for more than a year#cybersecurity #informationsecurity #networksecurity #informationtechnology #hacking #security #vulnerability #vaultinfosec #wevowyoursecurity #cyberattack #malware #websecurity
— Vault Infosec (@vaultinfosec) August 15, 2020