Even the language used by the US mirrors that of Beijing, which has implemented multiple “internet cleanup campaigns” to crack down on vulgar, pornographic, or politically sensitive content. Pompeo used the phrase “five cleans” to explain the areas covered by the initiative. https://t.co/jZaLunqnBM
— Jane Li (@Jane_Li911) August 6, 2020
Ironically following China’s footsteps https://t.co/LdEMrRAWvp
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) August 6, 2020
Yes. Absolutely.
— Elliott Zaagman (@ElliottZaagman) August 6, 2020
But it’s simple game theory and realpolitik.
Once the tech cos of a country with “cyber sovereignty” go global, other countries have little choice but to implement their own “cyber sovereignty,” as a market access and security issue. https://t.co/2jmHo8NdyD
The @StateDept announcement aims to respond to long-standing threats PRC apps, telcos and cloud services pose to data security. (The US was also previously recommended to reject an undersea cable section linking HK to the US on national security grounds.)https://t.co/tSbDKBONuv
— Hong Kong Global Connect (@HKGlobalConnect) August 6, 2020
I recall reading this piece by Chris Demchak and @PeterDombrowsk6 on the rise of a "cybered Westphalian age" with skepticism in 2011, but in retrospect, their argument was prescient. We're seeing unprecedented fragmentation of the Internet as we knew it. https://t.co/90zVuIRmXa https://t.co/LYm7nQnF3U
— Elsa B. Kania (@EBKania) August 6, 2020
"Clean" networks as described here (presumably meaning those free of Chinese entities) does not denote secure networks. https://t.co/dVGYoO4NP4
— Emily Feng 冯哲芸 (@EmilyZFeng) August 6, 2020
I’m crying. https://t.co/qKoMguxrLg
— Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green) August 6, 2020
There we go. The USA at long last has the framework of an Industrial Policy, long a forbidden phrase in Washington. It started with the 5G strategy but now it has grown from a tactical response to a strategic one. And perfect timing too! It matches my @BlackHatEvents welcome. https://t.co/ohV8Z9NR7u
— Jeff Moss (@thedarktangent) August 6, 2020
America creating a semblance of China's great Firewall in order to make a stand against about how terrible China's great Firewall is
— Ricardo Delfin (@ridelfin) August 6, 2020
You can't make this shit up https://t.co/nd4A7zKDDj
Build a firewall and make China pay for it. https://t.co/QJwmSIuld8
— Robᵉʳᵗ Graham?, provocateur (@ErrataRob) August 6, 2020
US wants Chinese apps removed from app stores
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) August 6, 2020
Pompeo: “Apps like TikTok and WeChat and others, are significant threats to personal data of American citizens, not to mention tools for Chinese Communist Party content censorship"https://t.co/nstafDxFv9
This is all fairly high level and so I want to understand it better, but the direction we are heading is troubling imho. And this framing justifies just about any action by the USG. https://t.co/1pcpiFvSw0
— John Lilly (@johnolilly) August 5, 2020
Mike Pompeo says "untrusted" Chinese apps like TikTok and Wechat should be removed from US app stores. & would prevent data access from cloud-based systems run by Chinese co.s. So what does this mean for future of Alibababa/Baidu/Tencent etc. in the U.S.? https://t.co/AyZ79rxwRR
— Selina Wang (@selinawangtv) August 6, 2020
This is really stupid and short-sided. I didn’t think the free Internet could end so quickly... https://t.co/Bw3N2T8acm
— Charlie Miller (@0xcharlie) August 6, 2020
There's a fascinating fracturing of the internet going on. I have no illusions that the EU will be a player in this - we're likely going to let ourselves get fucked over by the US, but it's anybody's guess: maybe the EU'll allow everyone to fuck us over. https://t.co/mnoKl0fVPL
— Rami Ismail (رامي) (@tha_rami) August 6, 2020
China censors the Internet, so the U.S. wants to censor the Internet: https://t.co/Bbum2s9siu
— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) August 6, 2020
Chinese companies copy popular apps, and Facebook just copied the world's most popular Chinese-owned app: https://t.co/vum1WmLSEH
U.S. sort-of-firewall goes up. Chinese telcos, cloud providers are blocked. Chinese apps are kicked out of app stores. Submarine data traffic will get a look. U.S. app makers are instructed not to put apps on Huawei's store. 1/2https://t.co/2hLacc29z5
— Pete Sweeney (@petesweeneypro) August 5, 2020
I'm just catching up on news after too many hours driving today, and my initial reaction to this announcement is exhaustion—and a certain degree of confusion about what exactly "clean" is intended to convey in this context. https://t.co/pTvG5LdoDM
— Elsa B. Kania (@EBKania) August 6, 2020
Announcing Expansion of Clean Network to Safeguard America’s Asset -US Dett of State https://t.co/Zvzc9tNRsJ huh "Clean Store: To remove untrusted applications from U.S. mobile app stores.PRC apps threaten our privacy, proliferate viruses, and spread propaganda and disinformation
— Bill Bishop (@niubi) August 5, 2020
There is a difference between a nation that decides what one can and can't see vs. the US preventing the other nation from seeing whatever it wants to see. https://t.co/0ZuHt0Q9dm
— Joe Moschella (@joemosch) August 5, 2020
So did the US just announce it is building a great firewall?
— Adam Segal (@adschina) August 5, 2020
Announcing the Expansion of the Clean Network to Safeguard America’s Assets - United States Department of State https://t.co/nhhTgbEF3y
Don't know what's happening at State right now, but this is at least the third major thing to come out of it tonight. A major step toward further balkanizing our internet from China.https://t.co/L8GrrZIalJ
— Kevin Collier (@kevincollier) August 6, 2020
nice we have china's internet now great https://t.co/6b51xC893c
— ? (@turtlekiosk) August 6, 2020
Joking aside, this fucking sucks and portends very poorly for the future of the open internet https://t.co/aUmLSszwXK https://t.co/VschttaWpQ
— A Goldman (@AGoldmund) August 6, 2020
I am looking forward to new billboards around Washington: “Resolutely support the “5 cleans”! Comprehensively deepen Internet management! https://t.co/BiPdMiT7Nq
— Emily Rauhala (@emilyrauhala) August 6, 2020
US @SecPompeo expands “Clean Path”- an initiative to target allegedly “untrusted” #China tech in telecoms, data, apps, cloud, cable. (Think now would be time to show evidence to address suspicions move is unfair & political distraction to avoid backfiring.)https://t.co/w25JVLo7Wq pic.twitter.com/iO2nRNbdM6
— Eunice Yoon (@onlyyoontv) August 6, 2020
Wincing at the choice of language here. did we really need to use ‘clean,’ redolent as it is w/years of slurs against Chinese people as being dirty & diseased? https://t.co/0kuH3KzH5j
— Te-Ping Chen (@tepingchen) August 6, 2020
"The Clean Network program is the Trump Administration’s comprehensive approach to guarding our citizens’ privacy and our companies’ most sensitive information from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."https://t.co/Mpnymx500W
— ☠️☠️☠️Warren Platts☠️☠️☠️ (@WarrenPlatts) August 6, 2020
The @StateDept announcement aims to respond to long-standing threats PRC apps, telcos and cloud services pose to data security. (The US was also previously recommended to reject an undersea cable section linking HK to the US on national security grounds.)https://t.co/tSbDKBONuv
— Hong Kong Global Connect (@HKGlobalConnect) August 6, 2020
I am hardly dovish on China, but this is a load of horseshit:https://t.co/GlScmF2PRW
— Nicholas Weaver (@ncweaver) August 6, 2020
Is this a joke? The 5 Cleans? Have these people read anything about CCP history? Like ever?
— Alex Dukalskis (@AlexDukalskis) August 6, 2020
It even ends with an awkward sounding propaganda slogan: “Building a Clean fortress around our citizens’ data will ensure all of our nations’ security.” https://t.co/ZCX7fE850E
USA to isolate its internet from Chinese entities: telecom network suppliers, remove "untrusted apps" from app stores (Google/Apple?), block Chinese cloud infrastructures... Whoa. https://t.co/XhYd3WegYx
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) August 6, 2020
Thread: US risk abandoning the open internet and giving huge gift to China. Example of naive weaponized interdependence and how it could backfire. https://t.co/mOK4rhCULW
— Abraham Newman (@ANewman_forward) August 6, 2020
Announcing the Expansion of the Clean Network to Safeguard America’s Assets - United States Department of State https://t.co/BFTLk2y8us
— 为了喜马拉雅的肉夹馍? (@dengdeng1120) August 6, 2020
Clean networks safeguard citizens’ private data. There’s growing momentum to keep them secure. https://t.co/SW7rDyVKvw pic.twitter.com/tQhhXvEo4H
— Ambassador Johnson (@USAmbUK) August 6, 2020
Guarding our citizens’ privacy and our companies’ most sensitive information from malign actors: Find out about our Clean Network program➡️ https://t.co/KFIXKAtgMp #5G
— US-Botschaft Berlin (@usbotschaft) August 6, 2020
(...and follow @State_E @EconAtState @robstrayer @CISAgov @State_Cyber ...) https://t.co/GDbzyoJ2re
Lots to say on the "Clean Network." https://t.co/Un28r339qm
— Graham Webster (@gwbstr) August 5, 2020
For now I'll point out the name, targeting only Chinese "unclean" technology, echoes generations of anti-Chinese racism (just like today's "China virus" slur). Not surprising, but shameful for any remaining pros in gov.
if you read this language without context, you might think it's from China. but nope. it's @StateDept announcing a program full of ironies & unexplained steps. https://t.co/ZbPFVifRdO pic.twitter.com/6zf5FPby34
— David Kaye (@davidakaye) August 6, 2020
"The Clean Network program is the Trump Administration’s comprehensive approach to guarding our citizens’ privacy and our companies’ most sensitive information from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."https://t.co/wfVgR29bBg
— Jeff M. Smith (@Cold_Peace_) August 6, 2020
— Daniel Heithorn|120FPS|Xbox Velocity Architecture (@DanielHeithorn) August 6, 2020
US government wants to "clean" America from Chinese devices?!
But they know their Xbox, their Iphone and many other things are produced by Foxconn?
I guess not...https://t.co/b0fbEl3Zul
"Building a Clean fortress around our citizens’ data will ensure all of our nations’ security".
— Thorsten Benner (@thorstenbenner) August 6, 2020
if you poll Germans, most would likely argue for a Clean fortress to protect against US spying & sub-par data privacy standards.https://t.co/1RkEUVmsvH
— Kazuto Suzuki (@KS_1013) August 6, 2020
US announces 'Clean Network program' to 'guard our citizens’ privacy & our companies’ most sensitive information from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, such as the Chinese Communist Party': 5 cleans: carrier, store, apps, cloud & cable. https://t.co/e5dGNdvr4t pic.twitter.com/oHXth9r6JK
— Kong Tsung-gan / 江松澗 (@KongTsungGan) August 6, 2020
Interesting ?https://t.co/Vr2aTsEEsz
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) August 6, 2020
The USA are really serious now. This hits literally the entire Chinese internet economy and I assume it will put massive pressure on the CCP.
— Duterte Watchdog presents ? (@DuterteWatchdog) August 6, 2020
Even though the Trump admin is likely doing it for the wrong reasons, I celebrate thei moves. Fuck them CCP ✊? https://t.co/OyVDcefmo0
I wrote this today, it’s even more applicable now: With Wars on China, TikTok and Twitter, Trump is Trying to Censor the Internethttps://t.co/tK2nfwB4UH https://t.co/DuyaMN4n8l
— Jordan Zakarin (@jordanzakarin) August 7, 2020
— 深津 貴之 / THE GUILD / note (@fladdict) August 7, 2020
This is a very interesting development. Creating secure internet enclaves to protect countries. Can be combined with a Quantum internet, blueprints announced by DOE https://t.co/1Q58n7AY52 https://t.co/AcjEFKFrCd
— Gilbert Verdian (@gverdian) August 6, 2020
デジタル国交断絶って感じなんですが大丈夫なんですかね。。https://t.co/Q7FZI32b2f (Google翻訳結果をキャプチャ) pic.twitter.com/g1mtvkdysx
— shao #プロトタイプシティ 発売記念イベント案内中 (@shao1555) August 7, 2020
— ぼさのば (@bossaxbossax) August 7, 2020
Announcing the Expansion of the Clean Network to Safeguard America’s Assets - United States Department of State https://t.co/x1dPRpw5L2
名指しになってるのは、とりあえずファーウェイだけだけど、「untrusted PRC smartphone manufacturers」って複数形になってるしなぁ。。。https://t.co/D4gc4zJjpA
— Junya ISHINO/石野純也 (@june_ya) August 7, 2020
Announcing the Expansion of the Clean Network to Safeguard America’s Assets -
— BenTallmadge (@BenKTallmadge) August 6, 2020
Clean carrier: to ensure untrusted Chinazi carriers are not connected with US telecom networks.
We went from vague talk of The Tik Tok Threat to its expropriation to banning ~all hardware and software made by Chinese companies in 5 mins. About as long as it took US media to go from timid objections to calling the horse race on Tik Tok’s new owners ? https://t.co/icrlak0PSo
— DHH (@dhh) August 6, 2020
this ?? is ?? what ?? happens ?? when ppl don’t understand how data is transferred across international borders https://t.co/Fg0HlYxHzx
— shoshana wodinsky (@swodinsky) August 6, 2020