As a UCLA grads by training with expertise in being exploited & ignored by our employer, we are grossed out that @UCLAchancellor thinks a creepy @apple study is a better way to “cut the depression burden in half” than providing workers w/ financial security and job stability
— UCLA4COLA (@ucla4cola) August 4, 2020
This is the kind of study that transforms a wearable into a medical device. The potential quality of data to be analysed at this scale is untouchable! #AppleHealth
— Ivan Beckley (@ivanbeckley) August 4, 2020
Quality of sleep is one of the more understudied biomarkers, esp when looked at in conjunction with other biomarkers (e.g. heart rate, O2, etc.)
— Nikhil Krishnan (@nikillinit) August 4, 2020
I think we'll end up learning a lot about multi-factorial diseases (e.g. mental health/brain disorders) through studies like this
NEW: Amidst this pandemic, UCLA is launching a research study that leverages Apple devices to better understand depression. It looks at heart rate, sleep & daily routines.
— Christina Farr (@chrissyfarr) August 4, 2020
“This shows that digital mental health research is accelerating" (@JohnTorousMD)
UCLA launches a study designed to help revolutionize how depression is detected and treated.
— UCLA (@UCLA) August 4, 2020
In collaboration with Apple, researchers will use iPhone and Apple Watch to study behavior and gain new insights into mental health.
Full story: @UCLAThinkGrand
Excited to see @UCLAThinkGrand announce a new project with @Apple - an incredible amount of work by my amazing colleagues at the Depression Grand Challenge went into establishing this collaboration
— Zachary Cohen (@DepressionLab) August 4, 2020
This really exciting collaboration between @UCLAThinkGrand and @Apple to detect and treat depression will begin this week! @UCLA
— Loes Olde Loohuis (@loldeloo) August 4, 2020
#UCLA launches major #mentalhealth study to discover insights about #depression #wholistichealthcare @DrHowardLiu @CGIBHS @nasw @MentalHealthAm @PJK4brainhealth @JudgeWren @NicoleNugentPhD @finkshrink @BartAndrews @shawnsidhumd @UjjRam @NYUSilver
— Ellen's Ethical Lens (@epflcswccm) August 5, 2020
UCLA launches a study designed to help revolutionize how depression is detected and treated.
— UCLA (@UCLA) August 4, 2020
In collaboration with Apple, researchers will use iPhone and Apple Watch to study behavior and gain new insights into mental health.
Full story: @UCLAThinkGrand
UCLAがAppleと組んで、メンタルヘルスの研究を開始。150人の被験者はApple Watchと、Appleが買収した睡眠計測のBedditが提供され、睡眠、心拍、活動量、日々のルーティンなどとメンタルヘルスの関係、特に抑うつの仕組みの解明に取り組むそうです。
— 松村太郎 #Anker本 (@taromatsumura) August 5, 2020
Excited to see @UCLAThinkGrand announce a new project with @Apple - an incredible amount of work by my amazing colleagues at the Depression Grand Challenge went into establishing this collaboration
— Zachary Cohen (@DepressionLab) August 4, 2020
@UCLA launches major #mentalhealth study to discover insights about #depression in collaboration with @Apple
— UCLASemelFriends (@UCLASemelFriend) August 4, 2020
Depression is a liar. It tells you, you are ok, when you know that you are not.
— cynthia ? (@cynthia_ann) August 5, 2020
The difficulty of identifying symptoms, makes it even harder to diagnose. #Apple & #UCLA begin a 3-week study to show a relationship between habits & symptoms. #ONEV1