The fast-food restaurant chain has officially announced it's partnering with a Russian research laboratory, 3D Printing Solutions, to develop technology for what it calls "meat of the future." Or, in other words, laboratory-produced chicken nuggets. https://t.co/3yUUNeVSup
— RR Seattle (@RRalstonAgile) July 20, 2020
KFC moves to add 3D-printed chicken nuggets with lab-grown meat to its menu https://t.co/3A3h5RgR79
— deray (@deray) July 20, 2020
A lot of people are making fun of this and calling it "gross". Seriously? Grosser than cramped, filthy factory farms? Grosser than disgusting slaughterhouses? Grosser than the chicken industry's labor exploitation and horrific environmental impact?https://t.co/E6C720Zbyg
— Molly Hodgdon (@Manglewood) July 20, 2020
Another questionable alliance between Kentucky and Russia. What the cluck?!
— Hil.i.am (@hilaryluros) July 20, 2020
KFC moves to add 3D-printed chicken nuggets with lab-grown meat to its menu https://t.co/cccUlaIZpo via @mashable
KFC wants to 3D print chicken nuggets https://t.co/ix3QrJbyOh
— Evan Kirstel #RemoteWork (@EvanKirstel) July 20, 2020
KFC creating 3D-printed 'meat of the future'https://t.co/lIqL0ctFoR
— The Peon Report (@SolidRedPeon) July 20, 2020
I’d starve before ever touching this chemical cocktail. This is just climate change hoaxers gone too far.
Now my printer can print me chicken and guns. I cannot wait to order me some printed chicken :(
— Tombaan (@Tombaan66) July 20, 2020
KFC moves to add 3D-printed chicken nuggets with lab-grown meat to its menu https://t.co/R0AdEjXVE5 via @mashable