Team hired by Facebook to assess Facebook determines Facebook has failed — but Facebook will ignore because Facebook is Facebook and will always be Facebook for as long as Facebook is allowed to decide what Facebook shouldn’t and shouldn’t do on Facebook.
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) July 8, 2020
Well this is interesting. This is the audit report that Facebook referred to yesterday. @nytimes has seen leaked draft copy. Facebook has comprehensively flunked it
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) July 8, 2020
A new, damning audit of Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg is not enabling free speech, he’s just privileging some of it. My column @nytopinion
— ???? ?????????. (@GregBensinger) July 8, 2020
Facebook's own civil rights audit is out today, and looks like its damning- including on how the platform's algorithms stoke hatred, racism and polarization.
— Joe Westby (@JoeWestby) July 8, 2020
Does Zuckerberg Understand How the Right to Free Speech Works?
— Tanya Goodin ☜ (@tanyagoodin) July 8, 2020
A new audit warns that Facebook may be “driving people toward self-reinforcing echo chambers of extremism.” #HateSpeech #echochambers
“When...powerful politicians do not have to abide by the same rules that everyone else does, a hierarchy of speech is created that privileges certain voices over less powerful voices.”
— Nina Jankowicz (@wiczipedia) July 8, 2020