Today, Apple reinvents the credit card yet again by allowing users to pay their bills through a web browser! Revolutionary! #AppleCard
— ᴺᴼᵀ Jony Ive (@JonyIveParody) July 2, 2020
This is good news. Apple just launched an online service site for Apple Card. It lets you pay your bill, download statements. Basically all the stuff you’d expect from a credit card online portal.
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) July 2, 2020
Apple Card, now on the web
— Benjamin Mayo (@bzamayo) July 2, 2020
Apple Card now online.
— Spencer Chen (@spencerchen) July 2, 2020
This the least amount of legalese clutter, usage caveats, CYA language I've ever seen w/ any financial product ?
Like, I appreciate the Apple Card integration on my iPhone, I really do. But not being able to pay my Apple Card on my Mac when I’m paying my Amex and Chase cards has been a stupid oversight. An app isn’t always better then a website.
— Christina Warren (@film_girl) July 2, 2020
A year later, Apple Card gets a website. Finally.
— Christina Warren (@film_girl) July 2, 2020
애플, 애플카드 용 웹 포털 론칭
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) July 2, 2020
- 사용자, 온라인에서 거래내역 확인, 청구서 결제, 고객지원 통화할 수 있어
- 애플, 작년 8월 애플카드 론칭했으나 전용 웹사이트 결여로 고객들 불평 많아
- 애플, 고객들의 목소리에 귀 기울이고 오늘 애플카드 용 온라인 대시보드 론칭
ICYMI: Cardholders can finally pay off Apple Card from the web by @edfromfreelance
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) July 3, 2020
Cardholders can finally pay off Apple Card from the web by @edfromfreelance
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) July 2, 2020