JD파워 초기 품질조사 랭킹에 Tesla가 드디어 등장. 앞으로 랭킹 및 평가 내용이 어떨지 궁금해짐 https://t.co/7m1ZmRPo9c
— 금동우 (@ehddn1) June 30, 2020
@tesla @elonmusk still has some work to do on quality.
— Wade Anderson (@wadeanderson) June 28, 2020
There is always an issue, when one thing gets fixed then there is another bug. Currently big problem trying to make calls in the car and all audio cuts out.
Tesla is last on owners surveys.https://t.co/swfMjGkbGm pic.twitter.com/WmN2fjKqMt
IQSの結果はこちらhttps://t.co/ajHcu6AErf pic.twitter.com/VJWdWfW1UT
— ぺんきちさん (@Penkichi_san) June 25, 2020
Tesla is a better manufacturer, they said.
— John Rosevear (@john__rosevear) June 24, 2020
Tesla's vertical integration improves quality, they said.
DEAD LAST in initial quality, JD Power said. $TSLAhttps://t.co/TbSFjXCDeM
Tesla ranks dead last in J.D. Power Initial Quality Survey $TSLA https://t.co/KkQt6v0hGS
— Ed Carson (@IBD_ECarson) June 24, 2020
Dodge and Kia lead J.D. Power Initial Quality while Tesla scores last | Autoblog https://t.co/UqXa6vzAIc
— Dr. Strangelove (@Bellagiotime) June 25, 2020
JD Power 2020 초기 품질 조사: 테슬라, 최저점수 받고 기아와 다지는 최고점수 받아
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 24, 2020
- 기아와 다지, 100대 당 136 문제로 공동 1위 기록
- 제네시스(141), 5위
- 현대(153), 10위
- 하위 5위에 테슬라(250), 랜드로버(228), 아우디(225), 볼보(210), 벤츠(202) 포함 https://t.co/GGCKjvloOf
I mean, most of Dodge’s lineup has been in production for about a decade - they should be screwing them together well by now.
— Tom the Car Pro (@tomthecarpro) June 27, 2020
Dodge, Kia Take First Place in 2020 J.D. Power Quality Study; Tesla Way Down in Last https://t.co/mDfZ9DqJR1