애플, CNET과의 인터뷰에서 watchOS의 수면 추적 기능은 본인이 어찌할 수 없는 REM 수면시간 등에 집중하기보다는 편하게 수면에 빠져 건강한 수면시간 확보에 집중했다고 언급. https://t.co/6YH2ZDqdXB
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) June 30, 2020
Apple Watch sleep tracking has been in the works for years, and it doesn’t provide a sleep score. Here’s how Apple’s WatchOS 7 sleep tracking works, and why: with observations by Apple’s Kevin Lynch. https://t.co/PSqYKi4rYE
— Scott Stein (@jetscott) June 29, 2020
Apple isn't tracking sleep like you might expect. Here's the story https://t.co/fSQMuDBMgS
— Jessica Dolcourt (@jdolcourt) June 29, 2020
I talked to sleep medicine experts - plus Apple VP Kevin Lynch - about the company’s long-awaited foray into sleep.
— Christina Farr (@chrissyfarr) June 30, 2020
Importantly, the focus is on winding down/ setting goals. The company wants to avoid the data deluge https://t.co/8m44be99YM
(One of the best things you can do for a good night's sleep is keep your mobile devices outside of your bedroom, though.) -- Apple doesn’t want Watch users to stress out about their sleep, so it’s focusing on goals, not data https://t.co/96h8iwb0E0 by @chrissyfarr
— Lora Kolodny (@lorakolodny) June 30, 2020
Apple is adding sleep tracking to Apple Watch, but what about the battery life? https://t.co/5jwq9oE9CV by @DavidGewirtz
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) June 30, 2020
.@CNBC is reporting the perils of sharing too much medical data with the consumer, but if @apple is collecting medical data, analyzing and storing it, the consumer should have control over it. As @EricTopol wrote, YOUR medical belongs to U! https://t.co/Y7mhugIXj9
— Leo Nissola, MD (@LeoNissolaMD) June 30, 2020