More than 90 brands are halting advertising on Facebook in July in a campaign to force the company to crack down on harmful content.
— NPR (@NPR) June 27, 2020
Unilever is going further by doing so "through the end of the year" and extending its boycott to Twitter.
Imagine zuckerburg going all "no soup for you" and permanently banning boycotting companies from advertising with facebook again. I wonder if this will stop the boycott snowball right in its tracks...
— Mustapha Hamoui (@Beirutspring) June 28, 2020
This big-advertiser boycott of FB is kind of interesting, but worth remembering that something like 75% of Facebook advertising is from SMEs. They may not look at this the same way.
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) June 27, 2020
"There may be a philosophical victory here, but it probably won’t make a life-altering difference to any of the companies involved, as the tech giants continue to eat up all of the internet’s advertising revenue."
— CJR (@CJR) June 26, 2020
Hopefully the smaller companies will do the right thing and join the boycott.
— Robert Vinet ? (@RobertVinet) June 27, 2020
Thank you for embodying the kind of leadership that meets the moment. The @NAACP deeply value your unwavering support to #StopHateForProfit
— Derrick Johnson (@DerrickNAACP) June 28, 2020
Facebook has to be forced into doing this when it’s simply the right thing to do... for the betterment of our society. What does that tell you about Facebook (& Instagram)? Hello. Wake up. ☀️
— CHRIS HUSH (@ChrisHushNBC) June 27, 2020
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been privately advocating for the #stophateforprofit campaign, which includes a boycott of Facebook, according to multiple sources working closely with the couple.
— The Crisis Magazine (@thecrisismag) June 28, 2020
The UK tabloids readership are not 'our' target audience. There is a whole new world waiting for 'our' message and 'our' kind of work.
— Zanye (@bookedbusy) June 28, 2020
— Mark Horsley (@MarkHorsleyUK) June 26, 2020
As more and more advertisers boycott Facebook, he now says he will “ban ads that claim people from groups based on race, religion, sexual orientation or immigration status are a threat to physical safety or health.”
So they were allowed before...?!?
Advertising is one of the first things companies cut in a financial downturn. I do wonder how much these pledges by major firms to stop advertising on social media is part of cost cutting conveniently linked to a moral high ground. I guess time will tell
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) June 29, 2020
We are grateful for the leadership of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in recognizing the importance of solidarity in this moment. Your commitment to truth, justice, and equality are appreciated. #StopHateforProfit
— NAACP (@NAACP) June 27, 2020
“[Brand] has decided to stop spending $ on Facebook and Instagram. (And we will instead divert the $ to Google/YouTube.)”
— Luther Lowe (@lutherlowe) June 29, 2020
is the new
“[Brand] has decided to stop spending $ on Facebook. (And we will instead divert the $ to Instagram.)”
Maybe in a couple more years it will sink in for them...
— Pagan Trelawney GCVOIDGAF (@PaganTrelawney) June 28, 2020
If citizens are asking how they can support #StopHateForProfit now that 100+ advertisers have pulled their funding of Facebook/Instagram for at least July, the simple answer is to support these advertisers publicly and also take a break, delete Facebook’s apps yourself for July.
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) June 27, 2020
All this excitement because Harry and Meghan are backing it?
— Nikki Stix? (@NikkiStix55) June 28, 2020
This ‘PR ploy’ conjecture about the calculation of companies suddenly jumping on the @Facebook ad boycott bandwagon strikes me as more than slightly plausible. Via today’s @ReliableSources newsletter:
— Bob Pickard (@BobPickard) June 27, 2020
Nothing matters but Zuckerberg.
— Azeem Azhar (@azeem) June 29, 2020
Thank you to the Duke & Duchess of Sussex for their dedication to ending #hate online. Especially during this important moment in the fight for justice, we need leaders to speak up like this & #stophateforprofit.
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) June 28, 2020
These are high value advertisers still on Facebook:@ProcterGamble@Walmart@Target@amazon@Microsoft@BestBuy@GeneralMills@KelloggsUS@pepsico
— Christopher Wylie ?️? (2020 Home Edition) (@chrisinsilico) June 27, 2020
1) Retweet this.
2) DM the brands.
Encourage them to do the right thing and withdraw their advertising for #StopHateForProfit
This wish fundamentally doesn't understand why advertisers are leaving Facebook: They are allergic to controversy and news is a vector for controversy and so they don't want to be next to news, either. That behavior is well-established.
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) June 28, 2020
One metric here — Facebook held a cross-team meeting *within 24 hours* of just the boycott’s announcement to discuss how to handle it.
— Nancy Scola (@nancyscola) June 26, 2020
Facebook faces a moment of reckoning. It will learn that without money from advertisers it is not all powerful. Coca-Cola, Unilever, Verizon, Honda - and more to come - no longer want to subsidize a platform that amplifies hate speech and disinformation.
— Christopher Wylie ?️? (2020 Home Edition) (@chrisinsilico) June 27, 2020
The question really should be what the hell were they doing accepting ads which included hate speech in the first place. What goes through someone's mind to do that?
— Ian Betteridge ?? (@ianbetteridge) June 27, 2020
Nick Clegg on @CNN defending @Facebook on how they deal with hate and divisive speech. Hasn’t changed his tactics, talks non stop, deflects and doesn’t answer the questions over the extremely serious issue he’s being asked about.
— James Dornan SNP (@glasgowcathcart) June 28, 2020
I've appreciated the thoughtful conversations I've had with the Duke and Duchess. Even more, I appreciate that they are using their platform to reach out to key corporations and share the goals of the #StopHateForProfit campaign.
— Rashad Robinson (@rashadrobinson) June 27, 2020
“Boycotting in general is not the way for us to make progress together. We set our policies based on principles rather than business interests."
— Buffy Wicks (@BuffyWicks) June 28, 2020
-@ceverson of Facebook
Then, please, prove it. Start by picking a better set of principles. #StopHateForProfit
Three weeks ago, this was a barely-hatched idea.
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) June 28, 2020
Now, 150+ companies have decided to stop advertising spending on Facebook for at least a month and British royalty is helping make it happen.
2020, you sure are something.#StopHateForProfit
Still can’t believe this. What a thing! Bravo #StopHateForProfit. And an even bigger bravo to @slpng_giants, the power behind it. (With special mentions among others to @Moonalice & @JGreenblattADL) What a week! Take a bow. You’ve earned it ???
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) June 27, 2020
Companies are boycotting Facebook ads over disinformation and hate speech on the platform, sending its shares falling 8.3% on Friday and costing Mark Zuckerberg more than $7 billion in wealth, per @business.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) June 27, 2020
Zuck’s own employees couldn’t budge him - but an advertising boycott might.
— Belinda Barnet (@manjusrii) June 29, 2020
If they all stick it out and get on board.
After having had all the freedom in the world to do so, and democratic governments having squandered the opportunity to make the rule of law leading in speech online, the core business of Facebook: advertising, shows money talks as boycotts lead to a step to #StopHateForProfit ↘️
— Marietje Schaake (@MarietjeSchaake) June 27, 2020
To anyone wondering, ‘Where do I put my ad dollars now?’ Here’s a novel idea: How about local newspapers? How about supporting people who are working day and night w/a skeleton crew and a shoestring budget to cover news in their communities? Imagine that.
— Sharokina Shams (@SharokinaTweets) June 28, 2020
To be clear Coke isn’t officially joining the boycott... it’s pausing ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Snapchat to reassess.
— Sara Eisen (@SaraEisen) June 27, 2020
The companies won't advertise with them anymore, people are leaving in their thousands, even some ex Royals. Isn't it time YOU just hit delete account? It doesn't hurt. I promise.
— Daniel Stewart (@dnstewart67) June 28, 2020
Facebook’s @nick_clegg tells @brianstelter that fact-checked content like this is “massively downgraded” in news feed. Then why on Earth was this lie the #3 post on Facebook on Friday?
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) June 28, 2020
While it is encouraging to see global companies take a stand on hate speech, I feel very uneasy with the notion that advertising dollars shape policy on freedom of expression. We (by we, I mean society, all of us...) need thoughtful approaches based on human rights, not ad spend.
— Dunstan Allison-Hope (@dunstanhope) June 28, 2020
Dose of realism to @Facebook ad boycott. Big brands make headlines, small businesses spend money. HT: @b_fung
— Mark Scott (@markscott82) June 29, 2020
NEW from @WillOremus: Key insights about the ad boycott against Facebook, which is probably less of a big deal than it appears, but certainly meaningful in ~some~ way. Read the latest Pattern Matching here
— Damon Beres ? (@dlberes) June 27, 2020
wise words from @WillOremus: the ad boycott "is putting real pressure on #Facebook, & it seems quite possible that real changes will ensue. But anyone who sees it as a major turning point in the social network’s history is likely to be disappointed."
— David Golumbia (@dgolumbia) June 27, 2020
#corporate #activism: Will corporations push social media platforms into taking greater responsibility and accomplish what our politicians have failed to do?
— Onna Malou van den Broek (@onnamalou) June 29, 2020
Firms removing advertising from social platforms over hate speech ?
As predicted...
— Farooq Butt (@fmbutt) June 28, 2020
— Tani Toshiko, Ph.D. 谷俊子 (@TaniToshiko) June 28, 2020
Starbucks suspends social media ads over hate speech