I agree with @benthompson that Apple has an antitrust problem. Demanding 30% of revenue for use of their platform and payments platforms and using App Review to keep developers from implementing any browser-based alternatives is fucked. pic.twitter.com/kBMc1JsMri
— Brendan Mulligan (Tuxedo Bear) (@BrainEngineer) June 26, 2020
AppleのApp Storeについても動きがありそうだが、米司法省は今夏までにGoogle/デジタル広告の独禁捜査をまとめたいため、後回しにされている。広告ボイコットだけでなく、この独禁捜査の司法省の提訴にも注意。
— Keith (@keith_market) June 27, 2020
DOJ's Apple probe focusing on App Store payment rules https://t.co/5kwBn8VeHi
The App Store is coming under increased scrutiny in U.S. antitrust probe https://t.co/FKJ7ggZOfp
— iMore (@iMore) June 26, 2020
The latest on the Justice Department's inquiry into Apple's App Store with department asking about the 30% cut for in-app-purchases and subscriptions. The Apple probe is early, with most of the DOJ's attention on suing Google this summer. With @damclaugh: https://t.co/ZM5KG3ODFd
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) June 26, 2020
블룸버그: 미 법무부가 애플 App Store 관련해서도 반독점 조사하고 있다고 보도. 다만 DoJ는 구글에 집중하는 상황이라 사전조사 단계. 지난 2019년 FTC와의 대형 기술회사 반독점 조사 분담 이후로 꾸준히 인터뷰 등으로 사례 수집 중이라 알려져. https://t.co/cYznei1G5d
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) June 27, 2020
⬇️Mark Gurman・@markgurman
— スモール・?鷲 (@singer7654321) June 26, 2020
米国の独占禁止法調査で精査されたアップルのApp Storeルール
米アップル社の反トラスト法調査から約1年、司法省の弁護士が多くのアプリメーカーを必要とするルールを精査している https://t.co/ZincA40MnC