amid the world, Republican Senators Graham, Cotton and Blackburn introduce a bill to essentially set a blow torch to encrypted messaging
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 24, 2020
the US can't stop trying to backdoor encryption when nobody's looking; coronavirus edition
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) June 24, 2020
Banning strong #encryption to prevent cybercrime is dumber than:
— Albert Fox Cahn? (@FoxCahn) June 24, 2020
?burning books to stop spelling errors;
? ending air travel to stop plane crashes; or
? outlawing cars to stop getaway drivers.
Those are all pretty dumb, outlawing encryption is worse.
what in the actual fuck
— alex (@alex) June 24, 2020
"Republican lawmakers introduced the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, which calls for an end to "warrant-proof" encryption (...) If passed, the act would require tech companies to help investigators access encrypted data."
— Patrick Beuth (@PatrickBeuth) June 24, 2020
At a time when cyberthreats from criminals, hackers, and nation states are on the rise, our nation's leaders should not be calling on companies to weaken the encryption that allows us all to communicate privately and securely.
— Will Cathcart (@wcathcart) June 24, 2020
So I had some thoughts about the new "let's kill encryption" bill. It's really, really, really bad. And, worse, this attack on encryption may be used to help slip the also awful EARN IT Act through.
— Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) June 24, 2020
Senate Republicans Introduce Plan to Make Privacy Illegal
— John Overholt (@john_overholt) June 24, 2020
— Michael Kapilkov (@mmviii_2008) June 24, 2020
What are your thoughts on this? Will Cardano create a backdoor for the GOV? @IOHKMedia
The concept of "warrant proof encryption" used in this bill isn't real. If encryption is responsive to a warrant, it isn't encryption at all. Like the way TSA compliant locks are a theatrical prop, rather than a security device.
— Will_Duffield (@Will_Duffield) June 23, 2020
amid the world, Republican Senators Graham, Cotton and Blackburn introduce a bill to essentially set a blow torch to encrypted messaging
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 24, 2020
New Senate bill would "require device manufacturers and service providers to assist law enforcement with accessing encrypted data" and "create a prize competition to award participants who create a lawful access solution in an encrypted environment."
— Sean Lyngaas (@snlyngaas) June 23, 2020
This bill is both evil and absurd. Offering a prize for crypto with a back door that is also secure is like offering a prize for a square triangle. And privacy is not a crime.
— othermaciej (@othermaciej) June 24, 2020
The US Senate just proposed a bill to outlaw end-to-end encryption
— Feross ??♂️✨ ( (@feross) June 24, 2020
*takes deep breath*
— Riana Pfefferkorn (@Riana_Crypto) June 23, 2020
Republicans in the senate are moving to end online privacy and encryption. They want access to all your data.
— Pagliacci Dorati (@PagliacciDorati) June 24, 2020
ICYMI: Proposed Republican bill would crack down on unbreakable encryption by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) June 24, 2020
Proposed Republican bill would crack down on unbreakable encryption by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) June 24, 2020
It’s the biggest backdoor possible.
— The Daily Dot (@dailydot) June 24, 2020
The @GOP, once again wanting a gov't small enough to fit in your pocket.
— T Karney (@pecunium) June 24, 2020
No thank you.
— brian hoffman (@brianchoffman) June 24, 2020
"Republican lawmakers introduced the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, which calls for an end to "warrant-proof" encryption (...) If passed, the act would require tech companies to help investigators access encrypted data."
— Patrick Beuth (@PatrickBeuth) June 24, 2020
Small government, freedom preserving Republicans hard at work!
— Zach Weinberg (@zachweinberg) June 24, 2020
Republicans push bill requiring tech companies to help access encrypted data