Apple Launches Zero-Interest Financing for Most Hardware -
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) June 15, 2020
New Build To Order option for 16" MacBook Pro
— Alex Gollner ⧜ (@Alex4D) June 15, 2020
- good news if you held back for a better GPU
- good news if you already have a 16" MBP, Apple are unlikely to release a replacement soon
Also a send-in option to increase your Mac Pro SSD to 1, 2, 4 or 8TB
Apple expands Apple Card’s interest-free financing to iPad, Mac, AirPods & more:
— Sarah Perez (@sarahintampa) June 15, 2020
"Fun fact: thanks to Apple Card monthly installments you can now get a maxed-out rack-mountable Mac Pro for the low price of just $4,491.58 per month."
— Federico Viticci (@viticci) June 15, 2020
I’m a big fan of Apple Card, and it’s now better than ever thanks to new 0% financing options for Apple Store products like iPads, Macs, Apple TV, and more.
— Ryan Christoffel (@iryantldr) June 15, 2020
애플카드, 이제 맥과 iPad과 다른 애플 제품들에 0% 월 할부 프로그램 제공
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 15, 2020
- 새 옵션, 각 제품의 체크아웃 페이지에 나와
- 맥과 iPad은 12개월 무이자 할부를, 애플TV와 AirPods와 HomePod은 6개월 할부 제공
- 그러나 애플워치와 iPod 터치는 해당 안 돼