도어대시가 최근 16B밸류로 400M펀딩했다는 기사 https://t.co/N07LKZbsrU 원래 IPO계획이 있었지만 코로나 상황에서 음식배달 주문도 늘고, 배달원을 위한 의료보호장비 지급, 식당지원 등 각종 비용도 늘어 더 펀딩을 한 것 같음. 어쨌든 급변하는 음식배달시장에서 투자자들은 공격적으로 투자.
— 에스티마 (@estima7) June 19, 2020
DoorDash is now valued at $16 billion after a new funding round and yet they still REFUSE to pay delivery drivers $2.50 in hazard pay. Make it make sense. #SickofGigGreed https://t.co/YTTFY01N44
— California Labor Federation #BlackLivesMatter (@CaliforniaLabor) June 18, 2020
The big money just keeps pouring in. Where's it all going? The pockets of billionaire CEOs. And, oh yeah, to a ballot measure that strips workers of basic protections like a minimum wage. Gig greed has never been so blatant or disgusting #SickofGigGreed https://t.co/ZLK3Y6VsVR
— Steve Smith (@ssmith_calabor) June 18, 2020
Boom in midst of all the gloom ?
— Madhav Chanchani (@madhavchanchani) June 18, 2020
DoorDash has raised $400 million in new equity funding at a $16 billion post-money valuation. For all the talk of deals that didn't happen because of coronavirus, this one is a product of the pandemic.
Exclusive: DoorDash valued at $16 billion after new funding round https://t.co/gCskKIc0L4
— Keisuke Kogure (@keysket) June 18, 2020
Exclusive: DoorDash now valued at $16 billion https://t.co/jDQz8WPc6q
— Dan Primack (@danprimack) June 18, 2020
— 大久保洸平??♂️@YJキャピタル (@Koheei_Okubo) June 18, 2020
累計$2.5Bの調達とのことで、すごいお金かかるなーという印象?https://t.co/lzoYzEsi9j https://t.co/KjLpEAVbxX
— やす ?? ベンチャーキャピタル (@YasLovesTech) June 20, 2020
DoorDash Reaches For $16B Valuation With Latest Funding Round https://t.co/88tPBtjQt3 via @crunchbasenews