트위터, 트럼프가 CNN의 비디오를 편집/조작해 올린 비디오 클립에 "조작된 미디어" 딱지 붙여
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 19, 2020
- 트럼프, 조잡하게 조작된 인종차별주의 아기에 대한 비디오 클립 만들어 사람들을 "가짜 뉴스" CNN으로부터 등을 돌리게 하는 것 목표로 해
- 트위터, 4번째 트럼프 트윗에 경고 https://t.co/dXGqTfkK3f
The NYT declined to name Logan Cook in this story. Used his alias. But Cook has posted photos of himself in the Oval Office. Other outlets have published his name. He’s a public figure who meets with the president. The NYT won’t name him? Why not?https://t.co/l6tLuqJKz8
— Luke O'Brien (@lukeobrien) June 19, 2020
Twitter Labels Trump Tweet About ‘Racist Baby’ as Manipulated Media.
— Derek Cressman (@DerekCressman) June 19, 2020
America deserves better than Trump. https://t.co/QzCHLMh1UP
"The president of the United States was censured by Twitter for posting a video of a racist baby" is another of those headlines that would have been totally baffling five years ago and now doesn't even make you blink https://t.co/tPHej2l32j
— Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) June 19, 2020
— deepthroat (@gloomynews) June 19, 2020
— Rhonda Harbison (@rhonda_harbison) June 19, 2020
Twitter Labels Trump Tweet About 'Racist Baby' as 'Manipulated' pic.twitter.com/dZHMw7CrMM
"Twitter added a warning to a post from President Trump about a racist baby on Thursday, saying the tweet contained manipulated media designed to mislead people.”https://t.co/Jy97rSqO4t
— Cliff Levy (@cliffordlevy) June 19, 2020
Twitter Labels Trump Tweet About 'Racist Baby' as Manipulated Media https://t.co/CJfb2PfkUP
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) June 19, 2020
Twitter Labels Trump Tweet About ‘Racist Baby’ as Manipulated Media https://t.co/539kni84dN
— Robert holgate (@415holgate) June 19, 2020
Fake news or fake tweets?
— Shawn in Az ? (@ShawnInArizona) June 19, 2020
Twitter had to add a warning to a post by @realDonaldTrump about a racist baby on today, saying it was fake & was intentionally designed to mislead people. The vid was altered to look like it was really from CNN.https://t.co/4UnZ7pMQiu
If Twitter is tagging posts as manipulated media, it's high time the Times and other outlets tag articles "Not the Onion." https://t.co/MGy1uRcZXX
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) June 19, 2020
Taking something of beauty and love and making it racist!
— Howard Simpson (@2to6supermix) June 19, 2020
That’s pure Evil.
Turning love into hate is unforgivable!
Twitter flags Donald Trump's 'racist baby' tweet as manipulated media - NZ Herald https://t.co/dL91uCXCpO
Twitter marks a Trump tweet 'manipulated media' for the first time https://t.co/6B22W1BM1t pic.twitter.com/U87FIpr6Te
— #TheResistance (@SocialPowerOne1) June 19, 2020
“Earlier on Thursday, [Facebook] removed ads posted on its platform from the Trump re-election campaign that prominently featured a symbol used by Nazis to classify political prisoners during World War II.” https://t.co/v7gkBWExZ0
— Adam Sherman (@adamshermanesq) June 19, 2020
Another regular reminder that our so-called president is a racist bent on inciting hate and division in our country. #Juneteenth #BlackLivesMatter #Tulsahttps://t.co/qq5HQjPj1A
— Good Grief! (@natespuewell) June 19, 2020