중국 경찰 전국 남성 7억 명 유전자 지도 작성 위해 혈액 샘플 수집. 미국에서 도입한 검사장비로 2017년 후반부터 DNA DB 구축. 피나 침 등 유전 물질로 남자 혈족 추적 가능. 범죄 단속 위해서라는데 소수민족 반체제인사 탄압 우려. AI 얼굴인식기술에 이어 감시국가 진일보https://t.co/BLQeNclujg
— Journey (@atmostbeautiful) June 17, 2020
"Police in China are collecting blood samples from men and boys from across the country to build a genetic map of its roughly 700 million males, giving the authorities a powerful new tool for their emerging high-tech surveillance state."https://t.co/raFF3ZCvDb
— Theresa Fallon (@TheresaAFallon) June 17, 2020
NYT: China's police are collecting blood samples from men and boys across the country to build a genetic map of its 700 million males, a powerful new surveillance tool. A U.S. company, Thermo Fisher, is helping. @suilee @ASPI_orghttps://t.co/qY50WAh7lF
— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) June 17, 2020
I took a break from coronavirus reporting to look at how China is collecting blood samples from men and boys to build a nationwide male DNA database. An American company, Thermo Fisher, is enabling this drive. https://t.co/Hvo5LwscQr
— Sui-Lee Wee 黄瑞黎 (@suilee) June 17, 2020
China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Gear https://t.co/hUsPjc64Bc
— profdeibert (@RonDeibert) June 17, 2020
China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Equipment - The New York Times https://t.co/pt401s36rx
— Michael Ron Bowling (@mrbcyber) June 17, 2020
China’s dictatorship is collecting DNA from tens of millions of men and boys to build a database of the male population for its emerging surveillance state. U.S. company Thermo Fisher is helpinghttps://t.co/jugUni7h6h
— Alfons López Tena (@alfonslopeztena) June 17, 2020
China expands its DNA testing program to collect mandatory blood samples from young boys.
— Annie Jacobsen (@AnnieJacobsen) June 17, 2020
This is Biometric Enabled Intelligence (BEI).
Another way to track people.
China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Equipment https://t.co/2fGmRvzILG
China is building a DNA database of 700 million men and boys. A stunning look by @suilee at "a major escalation of China’s efforts to use genetics to control its people." https://t.co/Ynm6lHwCSQ
— Steven Lee Myers (@stevenleemyers) June 17, 2020
In NY, everyone convicted of any crime--disproportionately Black & Brown men from overpoliced neighborhoods--is required to have their DNA taken and added to a state database. https://t.co/HoodWQQdOG.
— Scott Hechinger (@ScottHech) June 17, 2020
The police in China are collecting blood samples from men and boys from across the country to build a genetic map of its roughly 700 million males, giving the authorities a powerful new tool for their emerging high-tech surveillance state. https://t.co/6DW4yPs5b9
— Lindsay P. Gorman (@LindsayPGorman) June 17, 2020
China Is Collecting DNA From Men and Boys From Across The Country To Build a Genetic Map Of Its Roughly 700 Million Males, Giving The Authorities a Powerful New Tool For Their Emerging High-Tech Surveillance State, Using U.S. Gear -
— BenTallmadge (@BenKTallmadge) June 17, 2020
‼️??? https://t.co/PaUDnJqJ64