Bose가 AR 사업을 접으려는 모양. 인력도 정리하고 파트너들에게도 수주 안에 기능이 정지될거라고 한 모양. NC700만 하더라도 헤드폰에 자이로가 들어있는데 이걸 이제 어따 써먹는다냐.
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) June 17, 2020
IMO only a small shower on the #VoiceFirst #hearables parade but it shows mass adoption of audio #AR will be experience-driven. Hardware w/o experiences won't cut it. A robust dev. infrastructure is a must. via @ashleyrcarman@Oaktree_Dave @PritiMoudgill
— Andy Bellavia (@AndyB_Knowles) June 17, 2020
Oh really? It was kinda sh it anyway via @Verge
— Alyse Sue (@alysesue) June 17, 2020
BoseのARグラス開発中止。「音のAR」の先鋒ハードウェアとして期待してたんだけどな。でもチャレンジは素晴らしかったから、少しでもARに活きる強みを持つ会社はどんどんやってほしい。/ Bose gives up on its augmented reality sound project @Vergeより
— Yu Ushio ?? (@yuush10) June 17, 2020
Bose gives up on its augmented reality sound project
— The Verge (@verge) June 16, 2020
BOSEがサウンドARを中止…なんか面白くないゲームばかりだったからね〜もっとじっくり音響路線の方が良かったと思う > Bose gives up on its augmented reality sound project
— Masayuki Akamatsu (@akamatsu) June 16, 2020
Bose had big plans for audio-only AR. Now, it's pulling the plug, telling Protocol: "Bose AR didn't become what we envisioned." tip @Techmeme
— Janko Roettgers (@jank0) June 16, 2020
Boseがサングラス型ウェアラブルデバイス Bose Frames を始めとする Bose AR 事業から撤退するというお話!
— いっこう / HEAVEN ちゃん (@ikkou) June 17, 2020
日本では 2019/11 に Bose Frames を発売したばかり!
Another company is giving up on AR. This time, it’s Bose.
Bummed out by this scoop from @jank0 !
— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) June 16, 2020
Bose is shuttering its AR audio program.
— Shubhra D (@ShubhraDalakoti) June 18, 2020