Yep, they're real. The AMD Ryzen XT series will offer moderate clock speed boosts over the prior generation, but the cooler goes away for all but one model. https://t.co/rEyMlHvotI by @Gordonung pic.twitter.com/xY6lrdg2G8
— Brad Chacos (@BradChacos) June 16, 2020
AMD Technical Marketing Manager Robert Hallock talks through the new AMD Ryzen™ 3000XT Series Processors. Learn more: https://t.co/dviyV3unMj
— Sasa Marinkovic (@SasaMarinkovic) June 16, 2020
AMD, 라이젠 3000 CPU의 더 빠른 버전 3000XT 론칭
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 16, 2020
- 7nm 공정으로 3000 시리즈보다 성능 4% 향상
- 라이젠 9 3900XT, 7 3800XT, 5 3600XT는 12, 8, 6 코어 제공하고 가격 각각 $499, $399, $249
- 클럭스피드 4.7GHz로 최신 게임 구동, 4K 영상, 3D 렌더링 어플 편집 충분해 https://t.co/usej958mj3
$AMD's new XT desktop CPUs at a glance. Base clocks are the same, slight increase to boost clocks. Meant to hold the fort until Zen 3 CPUs (expected later this year) arrive.https://t.co/v9qOwehW5y pic.twitter.com/bm7NijTYCM
— Eric Jhonsa (@EricJhonsa) June 16, 2020
AMD's new Ryzen 3000 XT chips: same price, slightly faster, and coming July 7 https://t.co/kI90V5wzJY pic.twitter.com/6brPDOf97S
— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) June 16, 2020
Is it just me or does @Thracks look tired and sad in this video? https://t.co/cm2yfFOM0K
— dotMCL (@dotMCL) June 16, 2020
The Ryzen 9 3900XT, Ryzen 7 3800XT, and Ryzen 5 3600XT will be available to order from July 7 https://t.co/E1WwK1LD5I pic.twitter.com/qfWzvQKM91
— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) June 17, 2020