Python did this two years ago. https://t.co/kdAdaJ35Cf
— Motherboard (@motherboard) June 15, 2020
An overdue move. https://t.co/D1X8XjVKQ9
— VICE (@VICE) June 15, 2020
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 14, 2020
Other projects looking into removing racially-charged terms: Chrome, PowerShell, OpenSSL, OpenZFS, Curl, PHPUnit, P5.js, morehttps://t.co/Q18QWVS7tg pic.twitter.com/gtf5eBVyny
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references.
— Syrian Girl ?? (@Partisangirl) June 15, 2020
What next Masters degrees?https://t.co/sgslSJ4QkP
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references https://t.co/CyitfvFHX5
— Foss Linux (@FOSS_Linux) June 15, 2020
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery referenceshttps://t.co/dZ12n5oMax
— William Oliveira - O Universo da Programação ? (@etc_william) June 15, 2020
I don’t agree with this, and my black buddays largely think it’s insane, too. https://t.co/Xyk6m3ca4Q
— uɐpʇou@ ✸ (@notdan) June 14, 2020
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references | ZDNet https://t.co/e33n3BEOyD
— Kyle Cranmer (@KyleCranmer) June 15, 2020
FUCK IT. Did any of these loafers in the community even write one line of code except readme? There are too many non-programmers among programmers. https://t.co/xK1VUhVg56
— ˗ˏˋ Tactical home Fox ?? ˎˊ˗ (@Roniakia) June 15, 2020
GitHub renaming the word master. Is this required or unnecessary? Please share your views. https://t.co/DJC7nW5Z2X
— Aseem Jakhar #expliot.io (@aseemjakhar) June 15, 2020
As always very few want to dig into the core issues. However a lot of people and companies spend time and effort on meaningless symbolic measures, things that do not matter but makes them look good and yields social acceptance. https://t.co/v7JkdlPXoZ
— Mehrnaz Amanat Bari (@merni_) June 15, 2020
Coming from github, this feels like the equivalent of liking a post on facebook: it's just something to make themselves feel good and pretend they're doing something important. All the while profiting from ICE, empowering children concentration camps.https://t.co/CKGjm2p1kr
— Enrique staying ~ (@chochosmx) June 15, 2020
Long overdue in my opinion.
— Kassandra Dasent, PMP, CFEI (@KassandraDasent) June 15, 2020
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references | ZDNet https://t.co/oQo6Eq2P93 pic.twitter.com/kOzgUrwF2X
Oh go F yourself!! https://t.co/a5J8tmxfMQ?
— Bacon&Whiskey?????♂️ (@bourbonislife80) June 15, 2020
Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’ https://t.co/Z9oiX9VlqB
— Scott Pantall (@scottpantall) June 15, 2020
Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’ (story by @Indianidle) https://t.co/BbkPQeZqQj
— TNW (@thenextweb) June 15, 2020
BBC News - GitHub abandons 'master' and 'slave' terms to avoid row https://t.co/9keynSNIVY
— Ethem Alpaydın (@ealpaydin) June 15, 2020
— ゆきまさかずよし (@Kyukimasa) June 15, 2020
GitHub, the world's biggest site for software developers, is abandoning decades-old coding terms to remove references to slavery, such as master and slave. https://t.co/FnTrk69y7c
— Rob Price (@robaeprice) June 15, 2020
slave が言葉狩りになり始めてるようなので、なろう系の英訳が問題にされると予想w BBC News - GitHub abandons 'master' and 'slave' terms to avoid row https://t.co/kJTxYDRWAS
— nao (@nao550) June 15, 2020
It's a welcome but overdue move from the Microsoft-owned company, which still has contracts with ICE. https://t.co/D1X8XjVKQ9
— VICE (@VICE) June 16, 2020
It's a welcome but overdue move from the Microsoft-owned company, which still has contracts with ICE. https://t.co/lyejViLS7V
— Motherboard (@motherboard) June 15, 2020
GitHubが black List や white List などの奴隷制を連想させる言葉を別の言葉に置き換えるよう取り組んでいるらしい。master もだめなのかー master よく使ってるぞ…https://t.co/bZ7TNnsEXT
— 池澤あやか / いけあや (@ikeay) June 15, 2020
깃허브, 소스코드 저장소 기본값 마스터 master 를 main 같은 다른 용어로 대체하는 작업 진행 중, 인종차별 문화, 고정관념 강화를 차단하는 일환
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) June 14, 2020
GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references | ZDNet https://t.co/IzguLUmIu7
Huge progresses on demilitarizing ICT language: planned change of the 'master' term in #github. I did prefer the use of 'trunk' in CVS, also more consistent with the 'branch' term. https://t.co/kaJ7YkVQaa
— Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Ph.D. (@jaromil) June 15, 2020
I'll be changing the name of "master" branches in the @GitHub repos I control to "main" or similar next week, and I encourage you to do the same. https://t.co/7UeNvtY2Fy
— Morten @ home (@mor10) June 15, 2020
ITの世界も言葉の使い方が変わって行きますね。 / Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’ (The Next Web) #NewsPicks https://t.co/k8nhF6ZKDG
— 友岡 賢二(Kenji Tomooka) (@TomookaKenji) June 16, 2020
Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like 'master' and 'whitelist' - The Next Web https://t.co/VMvvecDR1h ("AWS" - Google News)
— Hikosaemon (@hikosaemon) June 16, 2020
Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’ (story by @Indianidle) https://t.co/0oXKTMPrD2
— TNW (@thenextweb) June 15, 2020
main になるのか https://t.co/ziYN53nfUj
— daisuke sato (@dskst9) June 15, 2020
#GitHub - The world's biggest site for #SoftwareDevelopers is abandoning decades-old coding terms to remove references to slavery, such as #master and slave.https://t.co/pTyFa41klH
— Nikhil Bhalwankar (@NBhalwankar) June 15, 2020
正直こういうのはくだらないよなあと。混乱を招くだけで現実の問題に対して意味がない。 / BBC News - GitHub abandons 'master' and 'slave' terms to avoid row https://t.co/SeMVwOaVhE
— TOGASHI Yuichi (@togashi_tv) June 16, 2020
Do me a favour. If this isn’t virtue signalling I don’t know what is. https://t.co/n8q0LC8ZkR
— Mo (@CodeWithMo) June 16, 2020
— yuka (@the_other_yuka) June 16, 2020
GitHub abandons 'master' and 'slave' terms. Good job @github??https://t.co/oR0Hz0W5Cp
— Dr. Samira A.Rahimi ????? (@RahimiSamira) June 15, 2020
I'm onboard with changing "master" to "main". There is exactly zero cost for me, and if there's any chance that the new language helps with racial problems in the future, then let's just do it. In a year we won't even remember the old language. https://t.co/UHKtmRKQSE
— Kenneth Falck (@kennu) June 15, 2020