Wow thanks @Jack! We have been begging for this for YEARS! #opDeathEaters
— OpDeathEaters (@OpDeathEaters) June 11, 2020
Twitter deletes thousands of Turkish troll accounts and Erdoğan's communications director accuses @Twitter of trying to protect terrorism. Huh. #Turkey
— Yannis Koutsomitis (@YanniKouts) June 12, 2020
Twitter announced that it had shut down more than 170,000 accounts tied to the Chinese government. Experts working with Twitter who reviewed the accounts said they pushed deceptive narratives around the Hong Kong protests, Covid-19, and other topics.
— CNN (@CNN) June 11, 2020
Downside of the great firewall: You can't exert influence over companies you've locked out of the country.
— Sameer Singh (@sameer_singh17) June 12, 2020
Grateful for our team's work, focus, and for the collaboration with our partners at @ASPI_ICPC and @StanfordIO. Detecting and disrupting disinformation around the world is critically important to us all.
— Yoel Roth (@yoyoel) June 11, 2020
Full details on today's disclosure are on our blog:
Amazing. Reminder if China wants Chinese voices on Twitter, it could unblock Twitter. One way Twitter identified coordinated campaigns linked to Beijing was by looking at accounts signing on to Twitter from IP addresses within China that were not blocked by the Great Firewall.
— Paul Mozur 孟建国 (@paulmozur) June 12, 2020
170,000 ?? accounts on @Twitter.
— Hiro Hamakawa (@hiro_hamakawa) June 12, 2020
Not to mention ??‘s spokesperson & Hu Xijin & ?? state media.
And they fan the flames of US riots, never underestimate ??’s influences in cultivating a “Communist Revolution” IN US.
We’re disclosing new state-linked information operations to our public archive — the only one of its kind in the industry. Originating from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Russia, and Turkey, all associated accounts and content have been removed.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) June 11, 2020
Twitter announced Thursday that it had shut down more than 170,000 accounts tied to the Chinese government. The accounts were "spreading geopolitical narratives favorable to the Communist Party of China." And this when Twitter is blocked in China!
— Smita Prakash (@smitaprakash) June 12, 2020
Twitter removes more than 23,000 accounts it says are part of a Chinese Communist Party information operation. Aim is to undermine power of Hong Kong protests and restore lost legitimacy over handling of covid19. @annafifield @lizzadwoskin
— Ellen Nakashima (@nakashimae) June 11, 2020
This time, 170,000+ #WuMao fake accounts were culled. Do not underestimate #China's overseas propaganda efforts on spinning #Coronavirus and #HongKongProtests.
— Demosistō 香港眾志 ? (@demosisto) June 11, 2020
?? Today Twitter announced a takedown of a network of 23,750 accounts attributed to the PRC ??, with technical indicators linking the operation to the network suspended in August 2019. SIO participated in the analysis. Report:
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) June 11, 2020
Normal platform.
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) June 12, 2020
This is big. Twitter is removing accounts from China, Russia, others that are essentially trolling platforms pushing agenda, not unique individuals engaging in dialogue. Kudos to Twitter for identifying these accounts and taking them out.
— JoeAm (@societyofhonor) June 11, 2020
The Chinese propaganda apparatus on social media is vast. If you want to understand Hong Kong, read Hong Kong sources. Don't fall into the trap of disinformation.
— Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 ? (@joshuawongcf) June 11, 2020
Fergus Hanson of @ASPI_org: “While the Chinese Communist Party won’t allow the Chinese people to use Twitter, it is happy to use it covertly to sow propaganda and disinformation internationally."
— Ellen Nakashima (@nakashimae) June 11, 2020
Wow. And this is why being here, no matter how hellish it sometimes may be, is way better than being on Facebook.
— Elizabeth C. McLaughlin ?? (@ECMcLaughlin) June 12, 2020
Wait... how is this not HUGE news?
— Zach Vorhies (@Perpetualmaniac) June 12, 2020
Important to also note-- according to @nytimes-- that fake accounts from China “amplify pro-Beijing messages” while trying to discredit Trump.
— Steven Cheung (@CaliforniaPanda) June 11, 2020
Disclosing 32,242 accounts to our archive of state-linked information operations
— jack (@jack) June 11, 2020
Excellent new report:
— Didi Kirsten Tatlow (@dktatlow) June 12, 2020
“To deflect attention from its early mishandling of a health and economic crisis that has now gone global, the CCP has unashamedly launched waves of disinformation and influence operations intermingled with diplomatic messaging”
Twitter takes down thousands of accounts that were pushing propaganda campaigns in three countries
— Threat Intelligence (@threatintel) June 12, 2020
Twitter bans 32k accounts pushing Chinese, Russian, and Turkish propaganda @ZDNet
— Mutlu Civiroglu (@mutludc) June 12, 2020
— こねこセキュリティ?テレワーク中? (@konekosecurity) June 12, 2020
Twitter bans 32k accounts pushing Chinese, Russian, and Turkish propaganda | ZDNet
— Ahmad Batebi (@radiojibi) June 12, 2020
— ヴェロ@セキュリティVtuber【準備中】 (@VELO_ch) June 12, 2020
中国 - 内容:反香港抗議ネットワーク
ロシア- 内容:政治的反体制派への攻撃
トルコ- 内容:反エルドアンアカウントのハッキング
32k bans Twitter accounts pushing Chinese, Russian, and Turkish propaganda#cybersecurity #informationsecurity #informationtechnology #networksecurity #Twitter #hacking #security #vulnerability #vaultinfosec #wevowyoursecurity #WebSecurity #riskmanagement
— Vault Infosec (@vaultinfosec) June 12, 2020
All three networks targeted local users for the benefit of the ruling political party. Twitter bans 32k accounts pushing Chinese, Russian, and Turkish propaganda... via @zdnet #infosec #tech #FridayFeeling
— AJ Durling (@Gurgling_MrD) June 11, 2020
Any opinion about them using pushing the "32,242 accounts" line and burying the actual total of 180,000+ within the details?
— Chris Vickery (@VickerySec) June 11, 2020
It's a very deceptive way to produce more palatable headlines... worked here:
(turn 32 into 180 and it's a bit more concerning)
Twitter bans 32k accounts pushing Chinese, Russian, and Turkish propaganda by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) June 11, 2020
Chinese propaganda accounts tweeted in Chinese about HK; Russian accounts promoted United Russia party and attacked dissidents; Turkish accounts promoted Erdogan for Turkish audeinces. via @technology
— Crispin Burke (@CrispinBurke) June 12, 2020
.@Twitter removed tens of thousands of accounts engaged in propaganda that were linked to Russia, China and Turkey.
— annmarie hordern (@annmarie) June 12, 2020
Twitter says it removed tens of thousands of accounts engaged in propaganda that were linked to Russia, China and Turkey via @technology
— Malou Tiquia (@maltiq) June 12, 2020
Twitter Discloses Propaganda Campaigns Tied to #Russia, #China @business
— Fion Li (@fion_li) June 12, 2020
#Twitter says it removed tens of thousands of accounts engaged in #propaganda that were linked to #Russia, #China and #Turkey. ?
— Mark Quinn (@MarkQuinn_VO) June 11, 2020
?️?#Bots #FakeNews #SocialMedia ?@technology @rwang0 @Paula_Piccard @Ronald_vanLoon @MounierCo @baski_LA @HeinzVHoenen
Twitter says it removed tens of thousands of accounts engaged in propaganda that were linked to Russia, China and Turkey
— Bloomberg Next China (@next_china) June 11, 2020
Twitter removed 32,242 accounts tied to Russia, China and Turkey that were part of “state-linked information operations" spreading propaganda.
— Alyza Sebenius (@asebenius) June 11, 2020
Twitter bans 32,000 state-linked accounts from China, Russia and Turkey #Twitter $TWTR #Ban #China #Russia #Turkey
— LNP Services (@LNPServices) June 12, 2020
China says Twitter should shut down accounts that smear China
— Reuters China (@ReutersChina) June 12, 2020
Who says the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs doesn't have a sense of humor
— Masha Borak (@MashaBorak) June 12, 2020
In the Chinese government's definition, a "smear" is any information that accurately describes the rounding up and imprisonment of a million Uighurs, Tiananmen Square, Tibet, democracy, human rights, etc.
— Mike Elgan (@MikeElgan) June 12, 2020
Why do we allow US companies to even engage with #China ? Until the #CCP is ousted they’re America’s enemy. #China #ChinaMustPay #ChinaMustFall #FreeChina #FreeHongKong #FreeTaiwan #WuhanVirus #WuhanLab #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #CCP #CCPVirus #AMERICAFirst
— Troy Jensen (@troyjensen) June 12, 2020
Twitter社の #中国 プロパガンダ・アカウント削除後#中国、
— (((Praises5780)))? (@Praises2014) June 12, 2020
「#中国 を中傷するアカウントをツイッター社は閉鎖すべき、#中国 は偽情報の被害を被っている」
China says Twitter should shut down accounts that smear China
Breaking: Twitter is deleting nearly 200,000 China-linked accounts that push disinfo, incl. on the coronavirus. Many are bots. That comes after our @nytimes story this week analyzing 4,600 China-linked accounts, many suspicious:
— Edward Wong (@ewong) June 11, 2020
Twitter removed 23,750 accounts that were “highly engaged” in a coordinated effort to spread misinformation. It also took down about 150,000 accounts that were dedicated to boosting China’s messages.@kateconger
— Pui-Wing Tam (@puiwingtam) June 11, 2020
Twitter Removes China Misinformation Campaign: after I published the #KarakaxList, a major state media smear campaign against me ensued, and was amplified by 100s of suspicious accounts, including one that impersonated me.
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) June 12, 2020
1/2 More than 170,000 fake Chinese Twitter accounts suspended:
— MPS (@MichaelPSenger) June 11, 2020
"Until early February, for example, the Twitter accounts accused Hong Kong protesters and pro-democracy activists of overhyping the threat of the virus and using rumors as 'panic bullets.'
China has created tens of thousands of fake accounts that discussed protests in Hong Kong and the Communist Party’s response to the coronavirus. Twitter removed 23,750 accounts that were “highly engaged” in a coordinated effort to spread misinformation
— Andreas Landwehr (@andreaslandwehr) June 12, 2020
Twitter Removes Chinese Misinformation Campaign
— Charles Mok 莫乃光 (@charlesmok) June 12, 2020
The company said the latest misinformation effort came with a new wrinkle: extolling the Chinese government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Delighted to see @Twitter taking Chinese misinformation seriously. Mis- and disinformation are a fundamental threat to free societies - and the CCP and Kremlin know it
— Alex Ra-Lee ? (@AlexRaLeeACHK) June 11, 2020
NEW:after @nytimes investigative report Twitter takes action and deletes 200K accounts connected to pro-Chinese disinformation and propaganda campaigns. @kateconger @zhonggg @Aaron_Krolik @paulmozur @ewong
— Ronen Bergman (@ronenbergman) June 12, 2020
Twitter Removes Chinese Misinformation Campaign
— Lyle Morris (@LyleJMorris) June 11, 2020
Twitter Removes more than 20,000 accounts linked to Chinese Misinformation Campaign
— Eric Crawford (@ericcrawford) June 12, 2020
Twitter removes accounts that it says are linked to the Chinese government and were pushing false information favorable to the country’s communist rulers. Beijing denied involvement and said the company should instead take down accounts attacking China.
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 12, 2020
The Associated Press・@AP
— スモール・?鷲 (@singer7654321) June 12, 2020
witterは中国に関連するアカウントを削除し、偽のニュースを広めたロンドン(AP)— Twitterは、中国政府にリンクされており、偽りを押していたと言っている膨大なアカウントのネットワークを削除しました