.@TwitterIndia introduced a cool feature #fleets to interact & engage with netizens.
— Dipanshu Kabra (@ipskabra) June 10, 2020
It's the 1st time that #Twitter is timely bringing a feature to #India as it is one of the fastest-growing audience markets globally.
Do share your #FleetsFeedbackhttps://t.co/ItMhqOrGId
Ooooooo Fleets are coming!?https://t.co/GTgZVRsZKL pic.twitter.com/TMCVZwrStH
— ا.م?? (@monanananaaa) June 10, 2020
Fleets aren’t private stories, but it’s Twitter’s way to allow users to share things that are less accessible to the world.https://t.co/Qg7OKTU5jj via @TechCrunch
— digiqom (@digiqom) June 10, 2020
Twitter brings Fleets to India https://t.co/unywvlLxz5
— Matt Navarra | ? #StayAtHome (@MattNavarra) June 9, 2020
트위터 스토리, 플릿 Feets 기능 브라질, 이탈리아에 이어서 인도로도 확대, 트위터 스토리 기능 전세계 도입은 거의 확정이라고 봐야될듯
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) June 9, 2020
Twitter brings Fleets, its version of Stories, to India | TechCrunch https://t.co/PBbU1TmGcI
— りょかち (@ryokachii) June 10, 2020
Twitter brings Fleets, its version of Stories, to India https://t.co/QzWIxQKdev @techcrunchより
— K2?WEBマーケターの端くれ (@laguardiamafia) June 9, 2020
■Twitter : 約5500万人
■Facebook : 3億5千万人超
■Google : 3億人近くにリーチ
Twitter brings Fleets, its version of Stories, to India – TechCrunch https://t.co/dS4m0Zd9yi
Twitter brings Fleets, its version of Stories, to India #twitter https://t.co/ucp58o0y4Z
— Neal Schaffer (@NealSchaffer) June 9, 2020
— Manish Pandey (मनीष पाण्डेय) (@join2manish) June 9, 2020
Twitter had about 55 million active users in India.
It is perhaps the last major social platform to explore Stories, a feature conceptualised by Snapchat.
Stories format has since replicated by Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp & YouTubehttps://t.co/Yy3Jdnl3nn @TechCrunch
Twitter’s version of Stories rolls out in India https://t.co/5GtZajO04q pic.twitter.com/MyC8ZjVb58
— The Verge (@verge) June 10, 2020
트위터, 인스타그램 스토리 벤치마킹한 Fleets 인도에도 테스트 시작. 사실확인 강화 등을 보면 본인들 핵심이 뭔지 아는 것 같다가도 또 이런 소식을 보면 뭘 알고 하는가 싶기도 합니다. https://t.co/H1gGt9qH13
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) June 10, 2020
Twitter’s version of Stories rolls out in India
— Digital Marketing Stream (@Digitalmstream) June 10, 2020
? https://t.co/1IwUhlFHLE via @TheVerge #Twitter #Technology #TechTrends #TechNews #Stories pic.twitter.com/ixfAAaJEPH