"Fundamentally it's about saving money" NYU study says Facebook should stop outsourcing content moderation. Say it's marginalized and failing, citing a 10% error rate and 300,000 mistakes every day. https://t.co/GXlJqUTlQq pic.twitter.com/oiyAw4rrpr
— Ellen K. Pao (@ekp) June 8, 2020
This morning, the NYU Stern Center for Business & Human Rights @NYUSternBHR is releasing a new report on how @Facebook and other platforms outsource content moderation. New insights into the consequences of marginalizing this crucial business function: https://t.co/c7oTH8HGvr
— Paul M. Barrett (@AuthorPMBarrett) June 8, 2020
Facebook says "we encourage employees to speak openly when they disagree with leadership." But its moderators aren't "employees", and they're terrified for their jobs. Even so, they said they felt like they had to speak out now. https://t.co/xBZH24KFSO
— alex hern (@alexhern) June 8, 2020
NYU study: Facebook’s content moderation efforts are ‘grossly inadequate’
— shady_inf0 (@shady_inf0) June 8, 2020
'You have a strategy to expand and grow .... But you don’t really have a parallel strategy to make sure that your offerings are not misused' https://t.co/ivMT7tkNSj via @VentureBeat
It's more than just a show of solidarity. The moderators are on a front line here. "We are seeing a lot of police brutality," one told me. "The images we are seeing from the US are just terrible." https://t.co/xBZH24KFSO
— alex hern (@alexhern) June 8, 2020
Content moderators for @Facebook assert themselves in a highly unusual manner. This happens to come on the same day that @NYUSternBHR releases a report critical of Facebook's outsourcing of content moderation: https://t.co/c7oTH8HGvr https://t.co/kt9ZfHCPcV
— Paul M. Barrett (@AuthorPMBarrett) June 8, 2020
NYU report blames outsourcing for poor content moderation. "In a scathing indictment of Facebook’s content moderation strategy, a new study identifies the company’s decision to outsource such work as a key reason its efforts are failing." https://t.co/Qb9P4SRnpw
— Project Include (@projectinclude) June 8, 2020
NYU study: “One of the revelations for me was realizing just how central the function [of moderation] is to the companies, and therefore how anomalous it is that they hold it at arm’s length,” said @AuthorPMBarrett.
— Chris O'Brien (@obrien) June 8, 2020
"@tiktok_us is aggressively expanding its footprint in Washington, scooping up big-name hires as it builds out a D.C. office that will later this year become one of TikTok’s two “transparency centers." More from @Ali_Lev in @politico https://t.co/oxpEUH9w0p
— Jamie (@JamieFavazza) June 8, 2020
The silent majority of Facebook's workforce – its subcontracted moderators – are risking their jobs to show support for the #blacklivesmatter walkouts https://t.co/xBZH24KFSO tip @Techmeme
— alex hern (@alexhern) June 8, 2020
NEW: a group of current and former moderators at Facebook, @ModsFB, stand with the #FacebookWalkout in support of protesting staff and with #BlackLivesMatter. We’re proud to be their allies. @alexhern’s report: https://t.co/e7kxN1dIEI
— Foxglove (@Foxglovelegal) June 8, 2020
Remember when Zuckerberg was looking towards a possible POTUS run? Dems lost their shit, used him as a pinata over the fake Trump/Russia conspiracy.
— Fisted by Foucault (Niccolo Soldo) (@espressosoldo) June 8, 2020
And now they're squeezing him even harder.https://t.co/6k7hOqpUXV
A call to end outsourced content moderation for social media platforms https://t.co/pVotMA8QVd
— Ina Fried (@inafried) June 8, 2020
A new report finds that a heavy reliance on contractors to handle content moderation at Facebook, Google and YouTube has led to bad working conditions and a lack of attention to real-world harms caused by inflammatory or deceptive content.https://t.co/qFjWIHrcXf
— Axios (@axios) June 8, 2020
#Hypocrisy! #France should #STOP #Neocolonial #Genocide in #Ambazonia, ACKNOWLEDGE & REPAY #slavery #ransom to #Haiti https://t.co/4tYHKW57Xp, #Algeria https://t.co/VTR6uiidL2, #RwandanGenocide https://t.co/f77LXVZqAi #African slavery & #colonial ransom https://t.co/YqXVbI0gR5
— Ambazonia Prisoners of Conscience Support Network (@apocsnet) June 8, 2020
Another globalist with a private server! Colin Powell was another deep state hack! https://t.co/rEN9MoWhNb
— liltigerlil ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@liltilgerlil) June 7, 2020
In this same article the @washingtonpost made quite an interesting humourous mistake by calling Jim Mattis the former Secretary of State.
— Deven_Intel (@Deven_Intel) June 8, 2020
"Last week, former secretary of state Jim Mattis"
Apparently after 15 hours of her post on https://t.co/mCZOHNeb3M
— Akshaan-swadesi ?? (@thewanderborn) June 7, 2020
Here are the few comments which reflect her international image as well @RanaAyyub pic.twitter.com/GwNFtZ7LAF
Content moderators for @Facebook assert themselves in a highly unusual manner. This happens to come on the same day that @NYUSternBHR releases a report critical of Facebook's outsourcing of content moderation: https://t.co/c7oTH8HGvr https://t.co/kt9ZfHCPcV
— Paul M. Barrett (@AuthorPMBarrett) June 8, 2020
New research from NYU's @AuthorPMBarrett on content moderation focused on Facebook as case study. Covers history, moderators experience, international dimensions, recommendations including #1 to stop outsourcing. It's really good read to understand issues. https://t.co/GxdRCl3TJE
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) June 8, 2020
This morning, the NYU Stern Center for Business & Human Rights @NYUSternBHR is releasing a new report on how @Facebook and other platforms outsource content moderation. New insights into the consequences of marginalizing this crucial business function: https://t.co/c7oTH8HGvr
— Paul M. Barrett (@AuthorPMBarrett) June 8, 2020
A new report from @NYUSternBHR @AuthorPMBarrett describes how @Facebook outsources responsibility for content moderation, which is a core business function. Here is a link to the report https://t.co/cJo1QYnpc2
— Michael Posner (@mikehposner) June 8, 2020
Good scoop from @nitashatiku on some rare activism from within the world of big philanthropy.
— Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) June 6, 2020
Note that these are CZI-backed scientists confronting Zuckerberg, not CZI employees.
If any CZI employees have thoughts about Zuckerberg, my DMs are open.https://t.co/reqKrToyzA
Associated Press has now moved this story re: lack of courage. That means it’s working its way thru small, medium community newspapers across the nation by the thousands. A real lasting embarrassment to the Zuckerberg family name. Please send my regards, @andymstone @nick_clegg. https://t.co/uBX14UCLhH
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) June 7, 2020
There’s an interesting movement to “take back” Facebook from fascists, racists, and nationalists by super-using it instead of abandoning it to systematized extremist misinformation.
— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) June 7, 2020
I don’t know how I feel about it yet but it’s not something I was even aware of until recently.
"It's time for @Facebook to stand on the right side of history"
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) June 7, 2020
The scientists stand up to their sponsor.
And the sponsor desperately needs to take action. Now.https://t.co/fxMMpxpUOj by @nitashatiku pic.twitter.com/YHsSMcuu7j
(1/5) People don't understand how tricky and nuanced this debate is https://t.co/jgemffD1ue What counts as "hate speech" is a sliding scale, depending on your view. Some things 99% of us agree are hate speech, but some, only 50% of us agree are hate speech, and...
— Rob May (@robmay) June 7, 2020
"Letter of concern to Mark Zuckerberg from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative-funded scientists" (175 signatures so far) https://t.co/CJVRdE4FQZ #BlackLivesMattters #Facebook
— Richard Gutjahr (@gutjahr) June 7, 2020
“We urge you to consider stricter policies on misinformation and incendiary language that harms people or groups of people," the letter reads. https://t.co/si3QPj4Nh6
— FutureShift (@futureshift) June 7, 2020
New: more than 140 scientists funded by @ChanZuckerberg sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg today calling Facebook's policies on misinformation and incitements to violence "antithetical" to CZI's mission to build a better future and urging him to do betterhttps://t.co/X3DFMhTabr
— Nitasha Tiku (@nitashatiku) June 6, 2020
To 147 scientists who wrote a letter protesting Zuckerberg's stance, how many have of you have returned the funding and refused to take any of his money. Just like all those who protest Zuck but still use Facebook, because #influencerlife https://t.co/0Yle23uuAw
— OM (@om) June 7, 2020
Matt Porteus among signatories of this letter >> https://t.co/jBaM8nKlIu
— The CRISPR Journal (@CRISPRjournal) June 6, 2020
Once again, workers prove to be better oversight than company-appointed boards. https://t.co/8DkzhJhCrT
— Jack Poulson (@_jack_poulson) June 6, 2020
What an embarrassment to their legacy. They can either do the right thing now or they can give away tens of billions and hope in a century everyone forgets the damage they caused throughout the world. https://t.co/OR8rjY22ZM
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) June 6, 2020
"More than 140 scientists funded by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative urge Mark Zuckerberg to reconsider Facebook's policies on misinformation and incendiary language"
— Kontra (@counternotions) June 7, 2020
(Ingrates!) https://t.co/hECtqGFgLI
This isn’t the first time scientists have asked fb to do better with misinformation. I’ve seen more than one child die due to vaccine disinfo their parents received in a fb group. https://t.co/eAxnK4H0U9
— Kristen (@KristenKfromGA) June 6, 2020
Over 200 Zuckerberg-funded scientists haves called on Facebook to rein in Trump.
— Gary Marcus (@GaryMarcus) June 8, 2020
meanwhile, Facebook’s renowned team of deep learning researchers has AFAIK remained silent. https://t.co/4lYcuaIoD8
“Our current policy is that if content is actually inciting violence, then the right mitigation is to take that content down — not let people continue seeing it behind a flag. There is no exception to this policy for politicians or newsworthiness.” - Zuckerberg https://t.co/CrrmBxc4nv
— Celeste Katz Marston (@CelesteKatzNYC) June 6, 2020
Zuckerberg is on record saying he really believes the FB does business is "mostly positive".
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) June 6, 2020
He has now paid for work from numerous scientists and researchers, both internal to FB and externally. They have told him that the opposite is true. https://t.co/fYFGhcoPrj
My article also includes quotes from a memo that Priscilla Chan sent to CZI employees Thursday acknowledging the inherent tension with Facebook for some. She also strongly stated her support for Black Lives Matter https://t.co/6jIvfTgHSm pic.twitter.com/Vfl2tSXVoQ
— Nitasha Tiku (@nitashatiku) June 6, 2020
You can read Priscilla's public statement in support of BLM here https://t.co/WPv56QhJ17
— Nitasha Tiku (@nitashatiku) June 6, 2020
The story here isn’t that scholars are challenging FB - it’s that FB has such a huge & influential academic stable. ‘more than 60 professors at leading US research institutions and one Nobel laureate‘ - who’s comfortable with this? #fundingmatters https://t.co/UZU9XfDboW
— linnet taylor (@linnetelwin) June 7, 2020
— William Donelson (@donelson52) June 8, 2020
ZuckerWanker is the turd who started Facebook to compare girls at Harvard.
He's still that guy.https://t.co/jGi7ZVH14H
Over 200 Zuckerberg-funded scientists haves called on Facebook to rein in Trump.
— Gary Marcus (@GaryMarcus) June 8, 2020
meanwhile, Facebook’s renowned team of deep learning researchers has AFAIK remained silent. https://t.co/4lYcuaIoD8
*Still* have a #Facebook-Profile? By doing so you're supporting a platform that's so far up Trump's ass, even my fisting-loving @canislupusb would feel awkward.
— tadzio_mueller (@MuellerTadzio) June 8, 2020
The new #trumpchallenge is: DELETE YOUR FUCKING FACEBOOK-Profiles (w/ proof).
More info here: https://t.co/TvCR7z8bd2 pic.twitter.com/tG2OcusdC7
Is Zuckerberg emerging as the new Murdoch, he hides behind a thinly veiled “freedom” whilst Facebook profits from individuals and bots spewing forth lies, hate and misinformation all unchecked and unfiltered and he sits back and counts his pennies. https://t.co/khJDnOUt68
— ?Janine Hendry (@janine_hendry) June 7, 2020
Hold facebook accountable for misinformation.https://t.co/7LcpVtyAy4
— ??????? (@kalabog76) June 7, 2020
Zuckerwanker Exposed.
— William Donelson (@donelson52) June 7, 2020
He's still the nasty little boy who started Facebook to compare girls at Harvard.
More than 140 Zuckerberg-funded scientists call on Facebook to rein in Trump https://t.co/jGi7ZVH14H
More than 140 Zuckerberg-funded scientists call on Facebook to rein in Trump | Facebook | The Guardian#BanFaceBook#BeTheChange4USA#BeTheChange4Justice#TrumpResignNow
— Liz (Lizzy, Elizabeth) ? (@zen4ever2us) June 7, 2020
Scientists versus Trump. Post-truth versus facts. Will Zuckerberg do the right thing. I'm guessing a little bit but mostly no. https://t.co/dHWirA3YqP
— Marc Owen Jones (@marcowenjones) June 7, 2020
More than 140 Zuckerberg-funded scientists call on Facebook to rein in Trump | Facebook | The Guardian https://t.co/OtlVL6obrF
— Mathias Vermeulen (@mathver) June 7, 2020
Even scientists funded by Zuckerberg think Facebook is screwing up https://t.co/1qTOePqbdE pic.twitter.com/LzpwzGE117
— John Rampton (@johnrampton) June 7, 2020
Even scientists funded by Zuckerberg think Facebook is screwing up https://t.co/mGtaETvwP7 via @mashable #openscience #citizenscience #collectiveintelligence
— Jack Park (@gardenfelder) June 7, 2020
Facebookがトランプ氏の暴言を許したことを受けて、Zuckerberg氏と夫人が非営利研究事業として出資しているChan Zuckerberg Initiativeの研究者らが連名で抗議し、ポリシーをもう少し厳しくするよう求めたそう。Facebookは社員からもストライキされたばかり。https://t.co/XlstBq0ZJA
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) June 7, 2020
“We can’t walk out, but we cannot stay silent … Facebook can do better.”
— Demand Progress (@demandprogress) June 8, 2020
Facebook moderators have joined the chorus of employees criticizing the company. We stand with them.https://t.co/m4KwwAkdXc
Facebook moderators join criticism of Zuckerberg over Trump stance https://t.co/iDlJe2yVV8
— Fabio Chiusi (@fabiochiusi) June 8, 2020
Facebook is trash. https://t.co/zsF46pjBmu
— Leslie Mac (@LeslieMac) June 8, 2020
Interesting and important take on the debate over giant social media's monitoring of content: turns out they use third party vendors quite a bit. @AuthorPMBarrett explains, analyzes the consequences, and offers policy prescription: https://t.co/YQ3fxKUR21
— Harry Litman (@harrylitman) June 8, 2020
— ברצינות — אריה (@canneyoung1) June 8, 2020
More than 140 scientists funded by Mark Zuckerberg have said Facebook should not be letting Donald Trump use the social media platform to “spread both misinformation and incendiary statements”.@canneyoung1https://t.co/5b93HKuldJ
More than 140 Zuckerberg-funded scientists call on Facebook to rein in Trump https://t.co/AOhQrYM8DA
— E.H. Hau #Resist #Persist (@ActionTime) June 8, 2020