We are working toward a more just society, but that means building up, not tearing down.
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) June 3, 2020
Joining hands, not hurling fists.
Standing in solidarity, not surrendering to hostility. pic.twitter.com/mp8957czvh
He isn't worth $80 billion but Judd is much better at running Facebook than Mark Zuckerberg.https://t.co/MS16hlRWVr
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) June 4, 2020
NEWS: Dozens of Facebook's earliest employees pen an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, pushing back against his stance on Trump's posts.
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 3, 2020
They helped build Facebook and wrote the original community guidelines. They believe Zuckerberg got it wrong. https://t.co/sElbM0Pwyt
Ex-staffers sent an open letter to Zuckerberg, the company's policy of allowing political speech to go largely unchecked was a "betrayal of the ideals FB claims."
— MamaBear ?? #NYTough (@GrammyGC5) June 4, 2020
When will Zuckerberg stand up to DJT and do what is right?#OneVoice1 #Dems4USA #DemCast https://t.co/DGjYHlEXKY
We've seen how unchecked authority leads to systemic oppression, yet we want to silence an open platform that enables stories like George Floyd's to be heard, shared, and opposed
— Seth Rosenberg (@SethGRosenberg) June 4, 2020
You can't have a system that silences voices you don't agree with but allows voices you support https://t.co/rtlzW7WZa0
This is shocking. Facebook ad urging people to shoot looters ran for 5 days & seen by 50,000 people.
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) June 4, 2020
Kudos to @JuddLegum for getting it down. But cd Zuck pls answer this: 'How am I, a guy sitting on his couch with a laptop, able to identify this kind of content before Facebook?' https://t.co/xacG9LDEUw
To be clear, Trump's account didn't violate any of Snapchat's rules. But Snapchat is deciding not to promote his account on Discover because of comments he made elsewhere that they think incite violence. That's going farther than other big tech firms. https://t.co/hCUW45LBAy
— Sara Fischer (@sarafischer) June 3, 2020
Trump + @parscale only love social media platforms who serve their racist, violence-inciting rhetoric and disinformation campaigns without regulation. And they're absolutely terrified about losing the narrative on any social platform. So they throw empty threats. Total wussies. https://t.co/4I07oMM5Xb
— Tara McGowan (@taraemcg) June 3, 2020
Snap will stop promoting Trump's account -- based on his rhetoric on another social media site, @nytimes reports. That's a step beyond other social networks, which have taken action based on posts to their own platforms. https://t.co/ZL8RYBFqRD
— Steven Overly (@StevenOverly) June 3, 2020
"We will not amplify voices who incite racial violence and injustice..."
— Casey Neistat (@Casey) June 3, 2020
Snapchat taking a stand. I appreciate you @Snapchat - https://t.co/mZDuI7ITiu
Dear @guardian, this story is missing an essential element -- who filed the copyright takedown notice. https://t.co/7aUiMODirg
— Dan Gillmor (@dangillmor) June 5, 2020
As with Twitter's treatment of Trump's tweets (note that Twitter doesn't *remove* them but uses interface+experience design to reduce their visibility), Snap isn't *promoting* Trump's tweets.
— Mike Ananny (@ananny) June 3, 2020
We're very much in space of *probabilistic* speech governance: https://t.co/G6gkNn6RmC https://t.co/PlDdlo3hrz
Twitter bans Trump tribute to George Floyd.
— Shazz ?? ????????? (@gordy_shanks) June 5, 2020
This is not the first time Trump has been accused of copyright infringement.
Lets be clear, it wasn't a tribute, it was a political stunt, making out the left are violent.#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace https://t.co/n8AyJ4Iszx
Facebook employees who are actually human beings: your company makes money doing things like this. https://t.co/Px9NArKuWr
— Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri) June 4, 2020
Here’s Snap CEO Evan Spiegel’s blog post:
— Brian Fung (@b_fung) June 3, 2020
“We simply cannot promote accounts in America that are linked to people who incite racial violence, whether they do so on or off our platform."https://t.co/4NysyjQl05 https://t.co/10pOPnMWxj
SNAPCHAT takes a stand on Trump.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) June 3, 2020
“We are not currently promoting the President’s content on Snapchat’s Discover platform. We will not amplify voices who incite racial violence and injustice by giving them free promotion on Discover," a @Snapchat spokesperson says.
This is a disgusting breach of ethics, even for Zuckerberg. https://t.co/Ewlrwi9vae
— Dr. Kathie Allen #DemCast (@kathieallenmd) June 4, 2020
Snap CEO @evanspiegel wrote in a memo to staff Sunday, "we simply cannot promote accounts in America that are linked to people who incite racial violence, whether they do so on or off our platform."
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) June 3, 2020
Now do Beijing Biden’s Campaign videos.@Jack @Twitter
— BenTallmadge (@BenKTallmadge) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump video tribute to Floyd over copyright complaint - Reuters https://t.co/eSRdT8OyY5
>@teamTrump is unable to follow the rules- let's see their checkbooks.
— Geo Steve (@StephenGlahn) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump video tribute to Floyd over copyright complaint https://t.co/f6KDsxOAm6
Twitter takes down Trump campaign videos over copyright complaint
— Dave #VoteBlueNoMatterWho (@dwh112655) June 5, 2020
Trump is attempting to exploit the death of George Floyd.https://t.co/aLzFmMQbG9
Poor #3 Fee Fees hurt again
— M-A #StayFuckin’?????☘️ (@BagdMilkSoWhat) June 5, 2020
Twitter takes down Trump campaign videos over copyright complaint https://t.co/wzjfVvvtMX
Twitter takes down Trump campaign videos over copyright complaint https://t.co/tU631dawdQ
— #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) June 5, 2020
Twitter takes down Trump campaign videos over copyright complaint https://t.co/JYcrJdBvT7 via @politico
— Kenny_ANTI_gop (@Hope012015) June 5, 2020
Twitter takes down Trump campaign videos over copyright complaint https://t.co/j3ykDZLp4H via @politico
— Ryan Heath (@PoliticoRyan) June 5, 2020
Twitter Removes Trump Campaign Video Over Copyright-Infringement Claim – Variety https://t.co/joRMuDPGYn
— Beverly Hill (@HillBeverlyhill) June 5, 2020
"Twitter Pulls Down Trump Campaign Video About George Floyd’s Death Over Copyright-Infringement Claim" AKA, social media's threshold for your bullshit, Don, is thinning. https://t.co/cbctFGItNP
— AJ (@ajfeuerman) June 5, 2020
Twitter Pulls Down Trump Campaign Video About George Floyd’s Death Over Copyright-Infringement Claim https://t.co/Q23pG1fQc0 via @variety
— Milan Paurich (@milanpaurich) June 5, 2020
Trump has been censored again!
— Leighforusa (@tressusa1) June 5, 2020
Twi**er removed his sympathies and his warning about Leftwing Ratical groups.
The constitution is being shredded.
RT if you agree
Follow @tressusa1 https://t.co/h4pgWtfd4b
Twitter removes Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd claiming copyright complaint https://t.co/HsIo2pRoCD
— David Webb (@davidwebbshow) June 5, 2020
Shocker the campaign waa accused of possible theft considering they stole the White House in 2016.
— Victoria Brownworth #NoJusticeNoPeace (@VABVOX) June 5, 2020
Twitter removes Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd claiming copyright complaint https://t.co/rfG65eHZ7V
3 things about this: https://t.co/8bipNKzmHR "Twitter removes Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd claiming copyright complaint" (1) Copyright Office just told Twitter in its 512 report that 512 means it can't scrutinize validly formatted takedown notices for abusiveness 1/
— Rebecca Tushnet (@rtushnet) June 5, 2020
INCREDIBLE: @Twitter targets @realDonaldTrump with censorship -- again. https://t.co/mkZfwMwMbE https://t.co/WGzLzeFw88
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) June 5, 2020
Twitter removes Trump campaign tribute to #GeorgeFloyd claiming copyright complaint.
— A4NY14 (@A4Ny14) June 5, 2020
If you're keeping score, it is now:
Twitter - 2
Trump - 0https://t.co/aeTqWrPivS
Fascists, communist, and socialist censor free speech. Ask yourself who are the real fascists and evil doers? Whoses getting censored? Whose doing the censoring? Why are they doing it? Why aren't they calling out the lies and fake news? #QAnon #Censorship https://t.co/Oauffvjz4v
— Make Nature Great Again (@makenaturegreat) June 5, 2020
When Title 17 compels @Twitter to remove content on demand, @TheHill 's choice to present this as "claiming it had run afoul of the website’s policy" is misleading. This needs a correction to clarify #DMCA compliance *requires* acting on takedown demands.https://t.co/RXsApuLSuh
— Matt Schruers (@MSchruers) June 5, 2020
Snapchat removing Trump from the Discover section based on his tweets rather than violations of their policies on Snapchat is interesting, but not crazy. Snap has always maintained editorial standards and oversight of Discover. That's the point of it. https://t.co/ZCIhKLiIKf
— Bridget Barrett (@BridgetOBarrett) June 4, 2020
What other social networks can learn from Snapchat’s rebuke of Trump https://t.co/XYJE7TwNzq pic.twitter.com/opFRGPmCae
— The Verge (@verge) June 4, 2020
"Freedom of reach"って概念は知らなかった(speechと韻を踏むのでキャッチーだ)。提唱したのはMacをデザインしたジェフ・ラスキンの息子のエイザ・ラスキンか… https://t.co/PjqvlA5Hrb
— Kenji Iguchi (@needle) June 4, 2020
트위터와 트럼프의 냉전이 아주 점입가경인데 이번에는 트럼프 선거본부에서 올린 조지 플로이드 추모 동영상을 트위터가 저작권 위반으로 블라인드 처리. 똑같은 동영상이 유튜브에서는 여전히 올라와 있는 중. https://t.co/rv4f39CDyO
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint https://t.co/UQEoYq0UWC
— Vince Dumond (@DumondVince) June 5, 2020
Twattter disables @realDonaldTrump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint...
— Awakened Soul Q17 ?? #WWG1WGA #MAGA (@Truthseekerita) June 5, 2020
Shame on u twattter de merda!?#WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE #qanons #Qanon #QANONWORLDWIDE #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide#MAGA #MAGA2020#QanonsWorldWidehttps://t.co/tFKgAPcshH
OOooooo Donald where's yer troosers.
— BRIAN Lord Muckety Muck Oh Leith???????? (@Amalkadog) June 5, 2020
Not going too weel fer yea ya clackwanker in chief?https://t.co/Qt9ba5KNin
What the Heck is your Damn Account moaning about ⁉️ @realDonaldTrump
— Nubian Queen (@nubiankemett) June 5, 2020
Join the Queue...‼️the rest of us get this from Twitter, Squatting in the White House doesn't give you any PRIVILEGES on this platform ??https://t.co/Sa3LBdprPB
Twitter disables Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint https://t.co/ITqC4MkFGb #copyright #takedown #Trump
— Matthew Rimmer (@DrRimmer) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint https://t.co/1PusLGq0mN
— Sharon #TeamPelosi (@STeampelosi) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint | Donald Trump | The Guardian https://t.co/v3OsSKaQKd
— KAT Miller (@KATMillerTN) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint.https://t.co/jYOiuuysrj
— Debbie (@Dangchick1) June 5, 2020
What's happening to America? We must restore order and safety. https://t.co/iQJHNOBIku
— ? Molly Wants A Wall ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@mollyday15) June 5, 2020
What don't [They] want you to see?
— Time4U2Know (@Time4U2Know) June 5, 2020
Do you see what is happening?https://t.co/INXsYS00zI
Twitter disables Trump video tribute to George Floyd over copyright complaint https://t.co/3jm3wyEcho pic.twitter.com/g170T6SAfX
— CNA (@ChannelNewsAsia) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump's campaign 'tribute' video to George Floyd on its platform @Twitter @jack SOCIAL MEDIA IS CORRUPT @realDonaldTrump HasARight2FreeSpeech 2HonorGeorgeFloyd @TheJusticeDept @JudicialWatch @DonaldJTrumpJr https://t.co/wc4d0x2D25
— Bama fanatic??@fanatic_bama (@Bamafanaticfan1) June 5, 2020
@jack twitters dictator surely doesn’t remove content 4 conservative voices like fascists do, do they? rhetorically asking!@realDonaldTrump & Americans know our voices R being silenced, history reveals democrats have tried 2 silence the truth since 1865!https://t.co/R4y3arqo34
— KBUSMC (@KBUSMC2) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump's campaign 'tribute' video to George Floyd on its platform
— 4 Laura Loomer “The Antidote to The Squad” (@JulieReichwein1) June 5, 2020
Support free speech warrior LauraLoomerforCongress https://t.co/gxM8OuCCf0
This incident is yet another reminder that Twitter is making up the rules as they go along!
— ✨KAL the?riginal ? (@RightWingLawMan) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables Trump's campaign 'tribute' video to George Floyd on its platform.
SOCIAL MEDIA IS CORRUPT! @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/fKWeSt6t9h
Twitter disables Trump's campaign 'tribute' video to George Floyd https://t.co/cw3QFW19Ry via @MailOnline. Thank you, Twitter!
— Dee Taylor (@TaylorDeella) June 5, 2020
트위터, 트럼프 캠페인의 조지 플로이드 추모 비디오 사용을 저작권 불평 때문에 비활성화 시켜
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 5, 2020
- 트위터, 이 조치는 저작권 불평이 있었기 때문이라고 말해
- 이 추모 비디오, 3분 45초 분량으로 트위터에 6월 3일 게시돼 https://t.co/4zgA6jRWSw
Twitter disables Trump campaign's George Floyd video tribute. https://t.co/7ki9RmAl5r
— All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) June 5, 2020
Twitter disables #Trump video tribute to #Floyd over copyright complaint #StopTrump #BunkerBoy #TrumpIsAVirus #JusticeForGeorge #TrumpVirus2020 #FuckTrump #GeorgeFloydProtests #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #BlackLiveMatter #FBR #AntiTrump #BunkerBitch https://t.co/aBtRJujYL8
— E.H. Hau #Resist #Persist (@ActionTime) June 5, 2020
— Cynn Dragon-No Racism/Stupidity. TRUMP&MAGA=RACIST (@CynnDragon) June 6, 2020
Twitter takes down Trump campaign videos over copyright complaint https://t.co/WXPlTiq0SS pic.twitter.com/e6eaK3Oome
— #TheResistance (@SocialPowerOne1) June 6, 2020
Facebook, Instagram join Twitter in removing Trump campaign videos over copyright complaints https://t.co/4efW7JHrZ3 via @politico
— Joanie Reb - Nevertheless, We Persist ? (@JoanieReb) June 6, 2020
Ok.... so Zuck indeed has no balls. Just putting on a show. Not 3 days ago he REFUSED to do the very thing he caves to today. Somehow, not at all surprised. https://t.co/5SXlwEDqKA
— Loyal2ThaFoil ???? (@FoilTha) June 6, 2020
Trump broke copyright infringement laws.
— Teri L. Duchac (@TeriDuchac) June 6, 2020
''law firm told the companies the video infringed on its clients' artwork"https://t.co/S5BzP09HWC
'law firm told the companies the video infringed on its clients' artwork"https://t.co/S5BzP09HWC
— Teri L. Duchac (@TeriDuchac) June 6, 2020
Twitter Pulls Down Trump Campaign Video About George Floyd’s Death Over Copyright-Infringement Claim https://t.co/QunGYLUyjM via @variety
— jvharris_1965 (@jvharris_1965) June 6, 2020
Is Jack a publishing site or a social media site ? Time to take Jack to the ropes! He has no problem working with the brutal Iranian regime!
— Suze Michelini (@emilia_suze) June 5, 2020
Twitter Pulls Down Trump Campaign Video About George Floyd’s Death Over Copyright-Infringement Claim https://t.co/gW5Xtl7HaW via @variety
Yes!!!!!!! Thank you, @jack. Keep going. Twitter Removes Trump Campaign Video Over Copyright-Infringement Claim – Variety https://t.co/yYjbH8KVuF
— Angela Gyetvan (@notgyet13) June 6, 2020
Twitter Removes Trump Campaign Video Over Copyright-Infringement Claim – Variety https://t.co/LwyZHEMQzj
— GoldenRule1 (@cooperchip1) June 6, 2020
— KP ????????? (@Fam4Fun) June 6, 2020
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram All Had to Follow The Law & Remove
Your Trump Campaign video because a Formal Complaint Was Filed that You Broke U.S. Copyright Laws.
LAW AND ORDER, You Know!https://t.co/MgoaXxb1vo
THIS MAKES ME VERY VERY HAPPY: "Twitter Pulls Down Trump Campaign Video About George Floyd’s Death Over Copyright-Infringement Claim" https://t.co/Fq0JXWR7W7 via @variety
— Helen Armstrong (@HelenArmstrong5) June 6, 2020
Twitter disables Trump campaign tribute to George Floyd due to copyright complaint | Donald Trump | The Guardian https://t.co/njm7mANUyC
— Sharon - Shih tzu Mom ? 2020 ? (@Brindlepooch) June 6, 2020
How can there be a solution to any problem if one side isn't allowed to agree?https://t.co/uGJCCdhbSY
— Ian Hilgart-Martiszus ?? (@IanFelipeSays) June 5, 2020
著作権侵害でツイッターにブロックされたん?爆笑!Twitter blocks Trump campaign's George Floyd video tribute https://t.co/ULDJ90XAKF via @cbsmoneywatch
— Yogi The prejident (@prejidentyogi) June 5, 2020
Twitter blocks Trump campaign's George Floyd video tribute - CBS News https://t.co/4xyQMTOnLZ
— Robert holgate (@415holgate) June 5, 2020
Trump's campaign 'tribute' video to George Floyd was disabled!
— ?? ᒪᎥᑎᗪᗩ ᗴᐯᗩᑎᔕ ?? (@Justsaytruthnow) June 6, 2020
The @POTUS has shared his heartbreaking ?video? here for the world see. Trump2020VictoryNowMoreThanEver https://t.co/rn7hUP7u4u
— Text TRUMP to 88022 Prudence?? (@dennygirltwo) June 6, 2020
Trump 'tribute' video to George Floyd copyright struck from Twitter https://t.co/JJyID5hdO3
Twitter disables Trump campaign's George Floyd video tribute https://t.co/oWu9r11qVm via @nbcnews
— Bron (@Bronsays) June 6, 2020
Twitter disables Trump campaign's George Floyd video tribute https://t.co/XXl6igPK3i via @nbcnews
— Beverly Hill (@HillBeverlyhill) June 5, 2020