- 지난주 일간지 텔레그래프, 보리스 존슨 총리가 영국 5G 네트워크에 중국 통신 장비업체 화웨이의 참여를 줄이기 위해 계획하고 있다고 보도https://t.co/SzAMlnF28C
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 29, 2020
This list sounds familiar: A “D10 club of democratic partners, based on the G7 plus Australia, South Korea, and India.” - ‘UK seeks alliance to avoid reliance on Chinese tech: The Times’ https://t.co/z01f5PlQsQ
— Tim Maurer (@maurertim) May 29, 2020
イギリスが、5G等の中国への技術依存を避けるための、民主主義国家10カ国の連帯、“D10” をアメリカに提案。
— 日本の改革 (@5Vlmw7nc5NFGBzo) May 29, 2020
Terrific initiative by the UK for a G-7 + 3 alliance to develop 5G capacity outside Chinese technologies. Canada has great 5G R&D that can be shifted to companies other than Huawei. https://t.co/hzpD59sbNA
— Margaret McCuaig-Johnston (@M_Johnston1) May 29, 2020
Curious NZ?? not part of "D10 club"; democratic states who will create an alternative pool of suppliers of 5G/other technologies to avoid reliance on China.
— Professor Anne-Marie Brady (@Anne_MarieBrady) May 29, 2020
We do have useful tech. Rakon make frequency control products used in 5G; & Huawei, ZTE use themhttps://t.co/GjrOr6Ddju