서양 철학사는 체계와 아포리즘이 교차했다. 플라톤 앞 자연철학자, 데카르트 뒤 파스칼, 칸트 뒤 니체가 있듯이. 체계적 사상가는 아포리즘의 모호성 비판하나 좋은 아포리즘은 숨은 뜻 해석하게 하고 철학의 길로 인도하고 말과 인간 한계 지평 너머로 도약하게 한다. 추천 https://t.co/qVYXQ7ycG1
— Journey (@atmostbeautiful) June 1, 2020
Aphorisms tell philosophy’s history as fragments, not systems – https://t.co/qGDuGH2eqj via @aeonmag
— Nayef Al-Rodhan (@SustainHistory) June 1, 2020
Might the history of philosophy be driven by aphorism? https://t.co/2ker0RU0cE
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 1, 2020
On aphorisms in philosophy - a fascinating essay by Andrew Hui @aeonmag https://t.co/iTRS3qFjkX
— Nigel Warburton (@philosophybites) June 1, 2020
What if we see the history of philosophy not as a grand system of sustained critique but as a series of brilliant fragments? https://t.co/BrqZy5LJ3G
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 1, 2020
Before the birth of Western philosophy proper, there was the aphorism. On thinking of philosophy’s history as fragments, not systems https://t.co/KYVnw8EygD
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 1, 2020
Aphorisms tell philosophy’s history as fragments, not systems https://t.co/ZhV8KO4nVH
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 1, 2020
In praise of aphorisms | Aeon
— Anita Leirfall (@anitaleirfall) June 2, 2020
What if we see the history of philosophy not as a grand system of sustained critique but as a series of brilliant fragments? #philosophy https://t.co/pkIYki4pAE
What if we see the history of philosophy not as a grand system of sustained critique but as a series of brilliant fragments? https://t.co/BrqZy5LJ3G
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 2, 2020
Much of the history of Western philosophy can be narrated as a series of attempts to construct systems, but might the history of thought be driven by aphorism? https://t.co/2VOI93QvE3
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 1, 2020
What happens when we consider the history of philosophy not from the point of system-building, but through an account that pays attention to the fragments of thinking? https://t.co/iTt5xDrelg
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 2, 2020
On the value of thinking aphoristically about the history of philosophy https://t.co/luXfeH45Mx
— Aeon+Psyche (@aeonmag) June 2, 2020
In praise of aphorisms : What if we see the history of philosophy not as a grand system of sustained critique but as a series of brilliant fragments? ... https://t.co/5iZ5NgRlQj
— Philosophy Matters (@PhilosophyMttrs) June 1, 2020