틱톡의 모회사인 바이트댄스의 지난해 매출이 17B+, 이익은 3B+규모라는 기사. 일년사이 매출이 2배이상 늘었다고. https://t.co/0MQoeSvTmP 이 정도면 매출이 인스타그램수준에 육박. 밸류에이션이 100B이상이라는 것도 납득. 참고로 네이버의 지난해 매출은 5B+수준이었음.
— 에스티마 (@estima7) May 27, 2020
2019 advertising revenue
— Shuvi Shrivastava (@shuvi) May 27, 2020
- Instagram: $20B (~1B MAUs)
- Youtube: $15B (~2B MAUs)
- Bytedance: $17B (~1.5B MAUs)https://t.co/vv2r1gyOYV
Impressive, most impressive.
— Gavin Baker (@GavinSBaker) May 27, 2020
Meritocratic, algorithmic feed, no requirement to be logged in. Lots of innovation here.
Next round will likely be over $200 billion. Super curious to see what they do with TikTok to assuage US regulators.https://t.co/PTna5PuhsT
Scoop: Tik Tok owner Bytedance had over $3 billion in profit last year, with over $17 billion in revenue. Company has about $6 billion cash in the bank. W/ @pingroma https://t.co/GKgXUP24V8
— Katie Roof (@Katie_Roof) May 27, 2020
Why TikTok-owner ByteDance is in no rush for an IPO?
— Zheping Huang (@pingroma) May 27, 2020
- $17b+ for 2019 revenue
- $3b+ for 2019 net profit
- $6b+ of cash on hand
per sources https://t.co/ji7x20ZEE7 @Katie_Roof @LianaBaker @pelstrom @edwininla
According to this Bloomberg report, Bytedance pulled in $17B in revenue in 2019.
— Tejeshwi Sharma (马迪杰) (@tejeshwi_sharma) May 27, 2020
For comparison, YouTube and Instagram clocked $15B and $20B in revenues respectively in 2019.
Let it sink it for a moment: Bytedance is almost as large as YT and IG. https://t.co/PZvRgsGQIB
TikTok's parent -- more than $3B in **profit** https://t.co/ixjNi8O6Ab via @Katie_Roof
— Sonali Basak (@sonalibasak) May 27, 2020
Thanks to Indians, this was made possible!https://t.co/40LMXOp0nO
— Opinion Bakery (@IndiaSpeaksPR) May 27, 2020