테크분석가 존 프로서, 애플글라스의 가격은 $499이고 처방 렌즈는 추가비용 지불해야 해
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 19, 2020
- 마케팅 명칭, "애플글라스"
- 시작가격 $499, 처방 렌즈는 추가비용
- 제스처 사용해 두 렌즈에 디스플레이되는 것으로 인터랙트할 수 있어
- 애플글라스, 페어링된 iPhone에 의존 https://t.co/LmCWK8sAmZ
'Apple Glass' Rumored to Start at $499, Support Prescription Lenses, and More. @ZGJR #digitalhealth https://t.co/hgqeRWSTqH
— John Nosta (@JohnNosta) May 19, 2020
Leaker claims to have seen “Apple Glass” AR glasses, details how they’ll work https://t.co/OZq37KLmj5
— Ron Amadeo (@RonAmadeo) May 19, 2020
지난주 나온 애플 글래스 루머: https://t.co/QuqnOfRlyq
— 박상민 / Sang-Min Park (@sm_park) May 25, 2020
- $499
- 2021-22 년 발매
- 프로토타입 존재
- prescription lense
돗수 렌즈가 흥미로운데, 홀로렌즈같은 기능+ 큰 디바이스가 아니라 패션아이템 + 미니멀 기능으로 시장진출을 예측. 애플이 한다면 나도 이 방향이라 생각.
— aLife-iPhone / Appleの未来【iPhone 12/SE (2020)強化】 (@futureisiphone) May 20, 2020
#alife https://t.co/8xxOIXOANa #iPhone #AppleGlass #アップル pic.twitter.com/6xPHjmHVDq
— ? (@gum_mp3) May 23, 2020
'Apple Glass' Rumored to Start at $499, Support Prescription Lenses, and More https://t.co/mBKepXJmGh
— Evan Kirstel #MasksForAll #RemoteWork (@evankirstel) May 23, 2020
Augmented Reality #AppleGlass #AR Rumors...
— Daniel Kraft, MD (@daniel_kraft) May 20, 2020
-There will be displays in both lenses that can be interacted with using gestures
-An early prototype featured LiDAR & wireless charging
-@Apple is targeting a late 2021 or early 2022 release https://t.co/lYfZEfvYQp
Details have been shared about Apple's rumoured augmented reality glasses, called "Apple Glass", $499 starting price, prescription lens option, and more ? There will be displays in both lenses that can be interacted with using gestures https://t.co/93o0MB8oMu #AppleGlass #Apple pic.twitter.com/G6Qe5uTLxu
— GVS London (@gvslondon) May 22, 2020