남극 빙하 녹은 자리에 녹조 현상. 영국 연구진 이 지역 생태계 새 단계 진입 신호로 해석. 남극 반도 저지대 눈 녹은 표면에 미세한 조류 무성해지면서 위성에 잡힐 정도로 짙게 녹화. 앞으로 온난화 심해져 진창 지대 커지면 이를 양분으로 다른 종들 더 늘어날 걸로 예상. https://t.co/cymy4FKyIk
— Journey (@atmostbeautiful) May 20, 2020
? DAMN PENGUINS ?! #Antarctica could turn GREEN as #climatechange causes algae to bloom across the surface of the snow - and penguins are partly to blame#ClimateEmergency #climateaction #WednesdayThoughts https://t.co/pwtOdhEG84
— Evan Kirstel #MasksForAll #RemoteWork (@evankirstel) May 20, 2020
Interesting yet unsettling https://t.co/UNHPQvcJ70 via @globalnews & @MeaghanWray
— Chris Jancelewicz (@CJancelewicz) May 20, 2020
Uncharted territory in the #ClimateEmergencyhttps://t.co/WpbxdGD9vb
— Natalie Bennett (@natalieben) May 20, 2020
Sorry folks! Nobody wants to hear it..but the bigger crisis is playing out in front of our eyes. https://t.co/wetDUjwATs
— Timo #citizenofnowhere (@timolarch) May 20, 2020
The planet is in real trouble; such trouble, that Covid will look like a old school socially intimate picnic in the park.
More bad news for the ice, and the albedo effect
— Christopher Cartwright (@chriscartw83) May 20, 2020
Algae in Antarctica...
Similar problems in Greenland, with the ice turning "dark"
Not to mention, of course, less ice coverage.
A disaster in the making...slowly building up..https://t.co/Obb3TemEkf
Climate change is turning parts of Antarctica green
— SOCCOM (@SOCCOMProject) May 20, 2020
Researchers map ‘beginning of new ecosystem’ as algae bloom across surface of melting snow: https://t.co/iGvNl13Rtp
In some areas of #Antarctica, algal blooms are so dense that they are turning the snow green and can be seen from space, according to a study in @nature (https://t.co/YlAXVhIcc4). Learn more @guardian: https://t.co/tCkU6wk69G.
— National Snow and Ice Data Center (@NSIDC) May 20, 2020
“Scientists have mapped “the beginning of a new ecosystem” on the Antarctic peninsula as microscopic algae bloom across the surface of the melting snow, tinting the surface green” https://t.co/hUlhWr2nc8
— Alex Randall (@alex_randall) May 20, 2020
“Climate change is turning parts of Antarctica green, say scientists” https://t.co/ORukEV3G0M
— Shaaf (@shafzaps) May 20, 2020
Scientists have mapped “the beginning of a new ecosystem” on the Antarctic peninsula as microscopic algae bloom across the surface of the melting snow, tinting the surface green and potentially creating a source of nutrition for other species.#wtpTEAM https://t.co/b7r5HmyNQs
— Didi (@DidiDarrer) May 20, 2020
Climate change is turning parts of Antarctica green, say scientists https://t.co/UowhdQa2v3
— Svein T veitdal (@tveitdal) May 20, 2020
Researchers map ‘beginning of new ecosystem’ as algae bloom across surface of melting snow pic.twitter.com/TT4pS22Ylr
Climate change turns parts of Antarctica green: ‘Beginning of a new ecosystem’ https://t.co/IlCd45TFMe
— Calvin Helin (@CalvinHelin) May 21, 2020
Having mistreated wildlife so badly that we generated a pandemic we are now busy mistreating the environment so badly we are creating huge permanent changes for the worse. https://t.co/VW4GKZd6Tw
— Andy Brown (@VoteAndyBrown) May 21, 2020
Climate change is turning parts of Antarctica green, say scientists https://t.co/BKhVQM40z3
— Guardian Science (@guardianscience) May 20, 2020
Scientists have mapped “the beginning of a new ecosystem” on the Antarctic peninsula as microscopic algae bloom across the surface of the melting snow, tinting the surface green and potentially creating a source of nutrition for other specieshttps://t.co/Q1n0B7OJ2J
— Alfons López Tena (@alfonslopeztena) May 20, 2020
— 髙井 重明 Shigeaki Takai (@ifc_takai) May 21, 2020
We sure we got till 2030 to turn this around? https://t.co/JcmQP3HvK0
— ☭? SmⒶll Town Socialist ? ? (@GaLeftist) May 20, 2020
#Climate change is turning parts of #Antarctica green, say scientists
— Environmental Investigation Agency (@EIA_News) May 20, 2020
Researchers map ‘beginning of new ecosystem’ as algae bloom across surface of melting snowhttps://t.co/dzVkVCNqkB pic.twitter.com/iHMV49c6Ec
"Researchers map ‘beginning of new ecosystem’ as algae bloom across surface of melting snow"#ClimateEmergency #1o5Chttps://t.co/QC585FxSi9
— Rebecca Burnell ? (@Beccabluesky) May 20, 2020