iOS 13.5 is out now with a faster way to unlock your iPhone while wearing a face mask
— The Verge (@verge) May 20, 2020
iOS 13.5 is out now with a faster way to unlock your iPhone while wearing a face mask. FINALLY
— The Ignited ? (@igniteivan) May 20, 2020
애플, 코로나19 노출알림 API와 페이스 ID 개선 포함 iOS 13.5 배포
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 20, 2020
- 이는 금주 초 개발자 용 iOS 13.5 GM 배포 후 일반에게 배포된 것
- 애플과 구글, 오늘 소수의 미국 주와 22개 국가가 노출알림 API를 신청해 받았다고 말해
- 마스크 착용 시 패스코드 입력 옵션 제공
Very proud to share this ongoing effort with my incredible colleagues @UABNews where we are collaborating across campus+beyond, huge thank you to Profs @suesfeldman and Mohan Thirumulai, it is an honor to learn from you every day
— Sarah Parcak (@indyfromspace) May 21, 2020
iOS 13.5 is out now with a faster way to unlock your iPhone while wearing a face mask
— The Verge (@verge) May 21, 2020
とうとう来たメッシュ監視時代。デフォルトではオフらしいけど入店拒否連携とかも時間の問題か...iOS 13.5 is out now with a faster way to unlock your iPhone while wearing a face mask
— kenichi nalita@医療大麻新宿成田賢壱 (@kenichinalita) May 21, 2020
Derp, forgot the article:
— Perren Smith (@peabodyfmdev) May 21, 2020