The new US rules require foreign manufacturers using U.S. chipmaking equipment to get a license before being able to sell semiconductors to Huawei. There is no indication that the U.S. will grant licenses either. That will apply to Taiwanese contract chip manufacturer TSMC.
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) May 18, 2020
While Huawei designs chips in-house, via its HiSilicon division, those are actually made by TSMC.
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) May 18, 2020
Chips are a critical part of a swathe of Huawei products from 5G base stations (required to build mobile networks) to its smartphones. So the new rules could hit a huge part of biz
China’s state-backed funds pumped $2.25 billion into a local wafer plant to support advanced-chip making
— Bloomberg Next China (@next_china) May 17, 2020
World War Tech
— Mike Dudas (@mdudas) May 17, 2020
A thread on the new US rules around chip exports to #Huawei and the impact it could have.
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) May 18, 2020
The short version: A potentially huge blow to Huawei. This is one of the biggest moves Washington has made against the Chinese firm.
The problem for Huawei is it relies on TSMC for nearly all of its chips for smartphones in particular. @neiltwitz estimates around 98% of Huawei's smartphone-related chips manufactured by TSMC. So what are Huawei's options? Look to diversify, right? Very tough task because...
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) May 18, 2020
When will we cancel UK orders from Huawei? @BorisJohnson @RishiSunak @DominicRaab @MPIainDS @DavidDavisMP @brexitparty_uk @Nigel_Farage @TelePolitics @Daily_Express @SunPolitics @DailyMailUK @afneil @IainDale @GuidoFawkes @NickFerrariLBC @KayBurley
— Diane Bowler (@DMB12445) May 18, 2020
A thread on the new US rules around chip exports to #Huawei and the impact it could have.
— Arjun Kharpal (@ArjunKharpal) May 18, 2020
The short version: A potentially huge blow to Huawei. This is one of the biggest moves Washington has made against the Chinese firm.
— 全力米国株@英語ニュース/市況/株価/貯金と給料を全力で米国株に突っ込むブログ (@komcdspxl) May 18, 2020
New ban on Huawei blocks access to non-US chipmakers.
— Nikkei Asian Review (@NAR) May 16, 2020
Trump's new ban on Huawei blocks access to non-US chipmakers, aiming to choke the Chinese tech company.
— Nikkei Asian Review (@NAR) May 15, 2020
중국, 로컬 반도체 제조업체 SMIC에 22.5억 달러 수혈
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 17, 2020
- 중국, SMIC의 월 생산량 5배로 늘리는 것 목표로 해
- 이제 SMIC 자본 35억 달러에서 65억 달러로 증가
- 그러나 SMIC의 회사 지분 50.1%에서 38.5%로 줄어
- 현재 월 6000장 14nm 웨이퍼 생산을 35000장으로 늘릴 계획
"#China’s state-backed funds pumped $2.25B into a SMIC wafer plant this wk to support domestic semiconductor chip making as DC tightens tech restrictions on Beijing..."
— China Beige Book (@ChinaBeigeBook) May 17, 2020
China Threatens to Add Apple, Other US Companies to 'Unreliable Entity List'
— Sharon K. Gilbert (@sharonkgilbert) May 18, 2020
#TSMC has halted new orders from #Huawei after May 15 to fully comply with US latest ban on China’s largest tech giant. Original reporting by @ChengTingFang on @NAR #tradewar
— Lauly Li (@Lauly_Th_Li) May 18, 2020
Good morning, America. This was our most read story while you were sleeping.
— Nikkei Asian Review (@NAR) May 18, 2020
BREAKING | #TSMC halts new #Huawei orders after US tightens restrictions
— Nikkei Asian Review (@NAR) May 18, 2020
Taiwan’s TSMC has stopped taking orders from its top customer — Huawei.
— CaliCali2000 (@CaliCali2000) May 18, 2020
This is because of new US sanctions that are aimed at killing China’s 5G advancement
TSMC halts new Huawei orders after US tightens restrictions
— Eunice Yoon (@onlyyoontv) May 18, 2020
TSMC is losing Huawei, its second largest customer, accounting for ~14% of revenue. Yet the stock is up 3%??
— James Wang (@jwangARK) May 18, 2020
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world biggest contract chipmaker, has halted new orders from Huawei Technologies in response to tighter U.S. export controls, multiple sources told the Nikkei Asian Review
— Tom Lasseter (@TomLasseter) May 18, 2020
TSMC halts new Huawei orders after US tightens restrictions - Nikkei Asian Review
— Paul Triolo (@pstAsiatech) May 18, 2020
Cannot overstate how hard this new rule hits Huawei.
— Martijn Rasser (@MartijnRasser) May 18, 2020
"Huawei...relies heavily on TSMC to manufacture its advanced chip designs -- including all of the mobile processors used in Huawei's flagship smartphones." #Huawei #TSMC
Full text here:
— Vincent Lee (@Rover829) May 18, 2020 @taiwanformosan @nthusharon tsmc refused to comment ofc.
— ❻❹??????????? (@64tetrahedron) May 18, 2020
good news just keeps coming eh?
화웨이, TSMC의 자사 칩 생산 중단 소식 후 미국에 반격
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 18, 2020
- 화웨이 순번 회장 구오 핑, 연례분석가서밋에서 미국의 공격에 대해 아직 파악하지 못했다면서 미국이 계속 공격하고 있지만 이는 전세계 산업을 손상시킬 것이고 자사 사업 필연적으로 영향받을 것을 예상한다고 말해
Huawei hits back at US as TSMC cuts off chip orders
— The Verge (@verge) May 18, 2020
//TSMC didn’t deny the reports but called them “purely market rumor,” according to Reuters. //
— Crowl (@Cassius201062) May 18, 2020
Take that commies! Thank you Taiwan @MOFA_Taiwan
— Christian Whiton (@ChristianWhiton) May 18, 2020
#Huawei calls new U.S. rules discriminatory while seeking solutions
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) May 18, 2020
#TSMC, the world’s largest contract #semiconductor maker, reportedly stops taking new orders from #Huawei, its 2nd largest customer, after new #US export controls. It means more difficult for Huawei to obtain #chips produced using U.S. technology.
— ?Guo Library? (@GuoLibrary) May 18, 2020
Why new U.S. rules on selling chips to Huawei could be a ‘big blow’ for the Chinese tech giant #SmartNews
— ❌Joe FreedomLover❌?????? (@JoeFreedomLove) May 18, 2020
Here it goes:
— Abdullah Saad (@kursed) May 18, 2020
TSMC halts new Huawei orders after US tightens restrictions - Nikkei Asian Review - May 18
— Pham Quang Vinh (@vinhlhq2015) May 18, 2020
「TSMCが新規受注停止 ファーウェイ、スマホ生産打撃」の英文記事をNikkei Asian Review @NAR に掲載しています。
— 日本経済新聞 電子版 (@nikkei) May 19, 2020
▶️TSMC halts new Huawei orders after US tightens restrictions
TSMC halts new Huawei orders after US tightens restrictions
— Charles Mok 莫乃光 (@charlesmok) May 18, 2020
Taiwan chipmaker's relationship with its second biggest customer under fire