Why did Apple buy NextVR? – @TechCrunch https://t.co/5drcBU1Uma
— Eagle Drones (@eagle_drones_us) May 15, 2020
@eagle_drones_us @evankirstel @Nicochan33 @jblefevre60 @sebbourguignon @HaroldSinnott @SpirosMargaris @frronconi @Ronald_vanLoon @ipfconline1 @chboursin @MikeQuindazzi @pierrepinna @Paula_Piccard @TamaraMcCleary pic.twitter.com/QpuMgJXTmb
Apple introduced ARKit in 2017 and developers still haven't found a path towards consumer success. As Apple pushes closer to AR hardware launches, Apple might be realizing the growing importance of VR to their overall strategy. https://t.co/9Aqfe9SBv9
— Lucas Matney (@lucasmtny) May 14, 2020
Why did Apple buy NextVR? https://t.co/dmP8i1RkKA
— Nathie λ (@NathieVR) May 15, 2020
Why did #Apple buy NextVR? – TechCrunch #vr #virtualreality @lucasmtny https://t.co/xcmHCdrsxV
— Evan Kirstel #Staysafe #MasksForAll #RemoteWork (@evankirstel) May 15, 2020
Why did Apple buy NextVR? https://t.co/8fbhXq6dGi
— 風凪空@幻想邪神(幻月の夫) (@kazanagisora) May 15, 2020
AR的な方向に関してはApple HMEは最強になる可能性は大きいと思ってるけど、VRはまた違った難しさがあるのよね(デバイスよりも文化/コンテンツの難しさが大きい)。例えばGoogleは完全にその辺りでは後塵を拝してる。FBはそこが強い
Why did Apple buy NextVR? https://t.co/Qklvms94CG @techcrunchさんから
— GOROman (@GOROman) May 15, 2020
AppleがNextVRを買収。スポーツ観戦におけるVR需要は下火になってきた感じがありますが、これはスポーツ界にとって朗報になるか? https://t.co/pQAxKwebLI
— Tomoya Suzuki / 鈴木友也 (@tomoyasuzuki) May 15, 2020
Apple confirms it bought virtual reality event #startup NextVR—after a month of silence from both firms about the rumored deal. https://t.co/Rg52UOeYWe @verge #VR #VirtualReality pic.twitter.com/a1U9ZshR0F
— Jean-Yves Gonin, CPA (@jeanyvesgonin) May 15, 2020
Apple confirms it bought virtual reality event startup NextVR https://t.co/ALMrhREC1F pic.twitter.com/SzILZF2Zum
— The Verge (@verge) May 15, 2020
Apple confirms it bought virtual reality event startup NextVR https://t.co/BGg6dVNyqA pic.twitter.com/EVDXTKJE72
— The Verge (@verge) May 14, 2020
Apple confirms it bought virtual reality event startup NextVR https://t.co/JF7OslmrcL via @Verge
— REWIND (@REWINDco) May 15, 2020
AppleがNextVR買収で確定とのこと。Appleが開発中のARヘッドセットと結びつける解釈が多いですね。コロナ時代に遠隔ライブシステム買収は、タイムリー過ぎて流石。/ Apple confirms it bought virtual reality event startup NextVR https://t.co/uJO78vC6cC @Vergeさんから
— Yu Ushio ?? (@yuush10) May 15, 2020
Apple confirms it bought virtual reality event startup NextVR https://t.co/HVOtFPfszq
— Thomas Husson (@Thomas_Husson) May 14, 2020
.@Apple buys virtual reality company #NextVRhttps://t.co/Xrp9jIidX5
— Shi ? #StayAtHome #StayStrong #StayHealthy? (@ShiCooks) May 15, 2020
TY, @GlenGilmore #Apple is definitely working on things related to #VirtualReality and #AugmentedReality technologies #technology #AR #VR@jblefevre60 @Droit_IA @Paula_Piccard @labordeolivier @ipfconline1
Smart buy by Apple - NEXTVR is a leader, built by smart leaders... not least @dannykeens @mariesornin @PhilGoyen https://t.co/HApks8Xzwy
— Jonathan Harley ? (@jharleyaus) May 15, 2020
— shachi@江古田,東京 (@shachi) May 14, 2020
Apple buys virtual reality company NextVR https://t.co/E1GJJHR4v5
Apple buys virtual reality company NextVR https://t.co/tbWkZWSRzU
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) May 14, 2020
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) May 14, 2020
애플이 스포츠VR콘텐츠를 만드는 NextVR이란 회사를 인수 https://t.co/2PxL9Oxa4O 특이하게 캘리포니아 뉴포트비치 회사. 인수가가 100M쯤 되는 것으로 알려졌는데 찾아보니 지금까지 받은 투자금은 115M…
— 에스티마 (@estima7) May 14, 2020
#Sportsbiz and #Sponsoship
— T. Bettina Cornwell (@BettinaCornwell) May 15, 2020
Things could get interesting even if staying home.
Apple confirmed it acquired NextVR, a startup that provides sports and other content for virtual-reality headsets https://t.co/rczeAZbU8Y via @technology
Apple confirmed it acquired NextVR, a startup that provides sports and other content for virtual-reality headsets https://t.co/iwsmM37cen via @technology
— Carmen Rios (@MissRivers) May 15, 2020
Apple confirmed it acquired NextVR, a startup that provides sports and other content for virtual-reality headsets https://t.co/zLOKLzpRe5 vía @technology
— irenebernal (@irenebernal) May 15, 2020
It’s official: Apple Acquires Startup NextVR that Broadcasts #VR Content https://t.co/6tk9Kgx65w
— tipatat (@tipatat) May 14, 2020
New story: Apple has acquired NextVR virtual reality content and broadcasting company, which shut down this week, it confirmed. It’s likely another step toward Apple’s future AR and VR headsets. https://t.co/jeULE7MYXK
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) May 14, 2020
VR and AR should get more interesting
— ShafiAhmed5 (@ShafiAhmed5) May 14, 2020
Apple Acquires Startup NextVR that Broadcasts VR Content. https://t.co/mKH52ukL1Y
— touya (@touya_huji) May 15, 2020
Apple confirmed it acquired NextVR, a startup that provides sports and other content for virtual-reality headsets https://t.co/7E3KPRCFUh via @technology
Apple acquires NextVR for a rumored $100M.
— Tanay Jaipuria (@tanayj) May 15, 2020
Was just thinking that COVID-19 might accelerate VR streaming of live events with physical venues at much-reduced capacities over next 12-18 mo.
Will be interesting to see what direction Apple takes with this.https://t.co/Vxa7RyzomF
#Apple has confirmed the acquisition of NextVR, here are the detailshttps://t.co/arANSR0Py2
— Express Technology (@ExpressTechie) May 15, 2020