$ADBE's U.S. e-commerce sales estimates for April (Y/Y):
— Eric Jhonsa (@EricJhonsa) May 13, 2020
Apparel +34%
Electronics +58%
Groceries +110%
Alcohol +74%https://t.co/gGKJIdsYiP
NEW: With coronavirus pushing the economy online, I mined a bunch of new data to find out who is winning in this new economy of food delivery, video games and sweatpants (and never dressing up). https://t.co/OyvTPPU62f pic.twitter.com/Mug09nARLD
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) May 13, 2020
Instacart sales rose ~500% in three months. https://t.co/JXM7M8yOst pic.twitter.com/y3xFSKxz3z
— Morgan Housel (@morganhousel) May 13, 2020
NYTimes: "In overall e-commerce, Target and Walmart have been gaining on the behemoth, Amazon" https://t.co/0vw3vzLUyq pic.twitter.com/oUg1VxfKpp
— tae kim (@firstadopter) May 13, 2020
Instacart had 25% of US online grocery sales in January.
— Mike Dudas (@mdudas) May 13, 2020
Then it grew more than 400% by the end of April.https://t.co/Y1dLKyhAm1 pic.twitter.com/KC81DW2b5b
The big e-commerce winners of the pandemic so far: Instacart, DoorDash, Target (yes, Target), Gamestop and Lululemon@nathanielpopperhttps://t.co/p1Kl7QMwPL
— Pui-Wing Tam (@puiwingtam) May 13, 2020
— Satoshi Onodera ?? (@satoshi_gfa18) May 13, 2020
US e-commerce sales jump 49% in April, led by online grocery https://t.co/Xyb8hboguz via @techcrunch
New: Amazon ends its online grocery waitlist for most US customers, the company confirms. Tip @Techmeme https://t.co/CqDiRBEfvg
— Ben Fox Rubin (@benfoxrubin) May 13, 2020
— FG? (@fuguti) May 12, 2020
Black Friday in April: e-commerce is booming according to three reports https://t.co/4AOVNkVpG4 @senginelandさんから