우버, 다음주부터 모든 운전기사와 승객에 마스크 착용 요구할 것
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 13, 2020
- 우버, 운전기사와 승객의 마스크 착용 여부 확인하는 새 기능 포함 앱 업데이트 배포할 것
- 우버, 또한 마스크와 손소독제와 살균제 등 배포 위해 5000만 달러 투자할 것 https://t.co/kfysSPSPWP
Uber will require all drivers and riders to wear masks starting Monday https://t.co/7RThQ9ULAu pic.twitter.com/S8o4tqjl5D
— Phil LeBeau (@Lebeaucarnews) May 13, 2020
Uber has set aside $50 million to distribute masks and other supplies to drivers and couriers. It's also partnered with Clorox in the US and Unilever in Europe to provide them https://t.co/Ie0bPg4qco
— Ryan Browne (@Ryan_Browne_) May 13, 2020
Uber CEO @dkhos evoked the memory of everyone's "first" trip" with the ride-hailing app on a Zoom call with reporters today
— Ryan Browne (@Ryan_Browne_) May 13, 2020
Now, he says, that experience is going to change dramatically due to coronavirus
Here's what is about to change, starting Monday: https://t.co/Ie0bPg4qco pic.twitter.com/PmwaAjOxhh
— 後藤達也(日本経済新聞) (@goto_nikkei) May 13, 2020
▼CNBCの記事https://t.co/ILhZF8fOl1? pic.twitter.com/9wDZg0FTc8
ウーバーの対応。乗客もドライバーも両方、マスク必要。相互評価される そのかわり消毒剤とかを買うお金がドライバーに5000万ドル分支給される>>>https://t.co/pMZvPaJnm7
— 愛川みぞれ(investor for glocal future) (@mizorehime) May 13, 2020
Uber will require all drivers and riders to wear masks starting Monday. #ACR2020https://t.co/q4e5VQmHmK
— Ian Weissman, DO (@DrIanWeissman) May 14, 2020
Uberが月曜日から、1)マスク必須 2)後部座席のみ使用可、というポリシーになるそうです。ドライバーがマスクしてるかを確かめるためにセルフィーで確認する機能も追加される?
— James Riney?Coral Capital (@james_riney) May 14, 2020
Uber will require everyone to masks, and for riders to sit in the back starting Monday.https://t.co/O6tbW3vkyx
Uber will require everyone to wear masks. They will be using AI to enforce the rules: https://t.co/nbmbJrgSsw
— Maskwell (@getMaskwell) May 13, 2020