화웨이가 미국의 제재대상이 아닌 작년 플래그십인 P30 Pro에 안드로이드 10을 얹어서(물론 GMS도 함께) 가격인하 재출시 예정. GMS를 쓸 수 없자 화웨이 단말의 판매 하락 추이가 웃어 넘길 수 없는 수준이 되다보니 나온 고육책. https://t.co/8YSXyoLyMk
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) May 12, 2020
Huawei’s P30 Pro gets another rerelease to keep the Google dream alive https://t.co/6DHEAKf0G3 pic.twitter.com/6w0JTk6Wnz
— The Verge (@verge) May 12, 2020
화웨이, 구글 서비스 사용하기 위해 P30 프로 "뉴 에디션"으로 독일시장에 다시 론칭
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 12, 2020
- 화웨이 웹사이트, "평소처럼 최고 앱 사용", "평소처럼 안드로이드 사용", "평소처럼 보안 업데이트"라고 광고해
- 이 기기 작년도 플랙십 P30 프로와 동일한 기기 그러나 실버 컬러 추가 https://t.co/LL6Gg8KdLe
WSJ 보도에 따르면 코로나 사태를 감안하더라도 삼성의 판매 하락폭의 2배, 애플의 4배라고 함. https://t.co/H9ieueAyS8
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) May 12, 2020
Without Google’s apps, smartphone fixtures around the world, the once-relentless march of Huawei’s phones is faltering outside China https://t.co/mFifLgJyeF via @WSJ
— Martijn Rasser (@MartijnRasser) May 12, 2020
Huawei struggles without Google--without the search-and-software giant’s apps, the relentless march of Huawei’s smartphones is falteringhttps://t.co/NGhkh1olTn good piece by @DanStrumpf
— Kate O'Keeffe (@Kate_OKeeffe) May 12, 2020
Without Google’s apps, smartphone fixtures around the world, the once-relentless march of Huawei’s phones is faltering outside China https://t.co/huoRLEG1Jb via @WSJ
— Bill Bishop (@niubi) May 12, 2020
China’s Huawei, barred by the U.S. from buying American technology, has found a lot of workarounds—but is having a hard time replacing Google, on which it has relied for a decade.@DanStrumpf https://t.co/3tIu3nhBVZ
— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) May 12, 2020
Huawei’s P30 Pro gets another rerelease to keep the Google dream alive https://t.co/Fp5WxCyob5 pic.twitter.com/FNwlZUZein
— The Verge (@verge) May 13, 2020
Turns out Huawei's rocket-like ascent in the global smartphone market has a vulnerability: Reliance on Google's apps. With those services blocked by the U.S., Huawei’s smartphone shipments outside China dropped by four times as much as Apple's.@DanStrumpfhttps://t.co/3tIu3nhBVZ
— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) May 13, 2020
Huawei has found a lot of workarounds to its U.S. blacklisting. But without Google, Huawei's dream to conquer the global smartphone market is fading. https://t.co/jhPNGMeGQo via @WSJ
— Dan Strumpf (@DanStrumpf) May 13, 2020