defcon is, and I cannot emphasize this enough, canceled
— Lily Hay Newman (@lilyhnewman) May 8, 2020
It's official. Defcon is cancelled this year. For real this time. But they'll be doing this: "Even though our in-person Las Vegas event is canceled, we will run DEF CON 28 Safe Mode August 7-9 (Friday through Sunday) with 101 orientation Thursday - all of it remote."
— Kim Zetter (@KimZetter) May 8, 2020
DEF CON is officially cancelled. we will be putting on an online event instead. Details in the post. #DEFCON #DEFCONisCANCELLED
— Marc Rogers (@marcwrogers) May 8, 2020
Can a @defcon goon please call me like every 25 minutes during what would have been #hackersummercamp and yell at me to stop blocking the fire exits and to keep moving?
— ?????? (@AletheDenis) May 8, 2020
#DEFCON may be canceled IRL for the first time ever but the virtual event will still proceed — and I, for one, am looking forward to it ?
— Jackie Singh ? (@find_evil) May 8, 2020
Wait... @defcon is cancelled?
— Fr. Robert R. Ballecer, SJ (@padresj) May 8, 2020
But it's cancelled every year... is this cancelled cancelled, or cancelled CANCELLED?
And if it's cancelled CANCELLED, is that really just a way to keep away the people who are no longer discouraged by it being cancelled?
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format #BlackHat #DEFCON #2020 #virtual #Conference
— Bob Carver ✭ (@cybersecboardrm) May 9, 2020
Well I guess the whole “DefCon is cancelled” meme rings a little true this year
— 7th Annual BSides Tampa IT Security Conference (@BSidesTampa) May 9, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format #cybernews #CyberSec
— Moix Security (@moixsec) May 9, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format#DefconIsCanceled #WeAreAllGonnaDie #EndOfTheWorld #Infosec
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 9, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) May 9, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON, the two biggest cyber-security conferences of the year, have canceled their in-person events today and announced plans to go with a virtual conference format in light of the ... via @InfoSecHotSpot
— Sean Harris (@InfoSecHotSpot) May 9, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format #cloudsecurity
— Claudia Martín (@CLAVDIAmartin) May 9, 2020
"Defcon is canceled" meme becomes reality. Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format... via @zdnet #infosec #tech
— AJ Durling (@Gurgling_MrD) May 9, 2020
The @thedarktangent blog post on the #defconiscancelled situation is here:
— DEF CON (@defcon) May 8, 2020
Please read and share. Thank you. #defconlovesyou #StaySafe
The @thedarktangent blog post on the #defconiscancelled situation is here:
— DEF CON (@defcon) May 9, 2020
Please read and share. Thank you. #defconlovesyou #StaySafe
@thedarktangent has his thoughts on the DEF CON cancellation here:
— DEF CON (@defcon) May 8, 2020
Please read and share. Thank you.
DEF CON in-person is actually canceled but there will be a remote conference.
— Rey Bango (0x1ffy) (@reybango) May 8, 2020
Welp. The team will still load events into #hackertracker, though. Let us know what is going on and we can add functionality for virtual AND in-person (we hope soon) conferences. @_advice_dog @shortxstack
— SeThLaW (@sethlaw) May 8, 2020
Who would have thought - #Defcon is canceled, this time for real! ?
— candid wueest ??? (@mylaocoon) May 9, 2020
its rebooted to safe-mode with networking
(and so is BSidesLV, BlackHatUS)
Looks like no summer hackercamp or LineCon this year? #CU2021
defcon is cancelled
— dængered wolf (@dangeredwolf) May 10, 2020
no, really, defcon is cancelled
Defcon is going virtual.
— Teri Radichel #cloudsecurity #cybersecurity (@TeriRadichel) May 9, 2020
So is Blackhat.
No surprise.
"Too many States have stayed open or are re-opening, people partied for far too long, and the lack of Federal coordination gives me no hope that things will get back to normal this year..." -#DEFCON founder @thedarktangent
— Las Vegas Locally ? (@LasVegasLocally) May 8, 2020
Welp, it has finally happened.
— defcon parties @ cancelled (@defconparties) May 8, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences to take place in a virtual format | ZDNet
— R Ghaznavi-zadeh (@RGhaznaviZadeh) May 10, 2020
Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences go virtual due to pandemic#cybersecurity #informationsecurity #networksecurity #pandemic #BlackHat #vaultinfosec #wevowyoursecurity #websecurity #informationtechnology #DEFCON #Covid_19 #websecurity #hacking
— Vault Infosec (@vaultinfosec) May 10, 2020
The “defcon is canceled” joke is no longer a joke. But it is the right thing to do.
— morisson (@morisson) May 9, 2020