Zoom이 메시징 및 파일 공유 보안 전문회사 Keybase를 인수. Zoom의 첫 인수사례로 Zoom이 약속한 화상회의 보안 강화 90일 계획의 일환. Keybase 같은 전문 그룹이 참여하면 그동안의 보안 이슈 해결에 큰 도움이 될 듯. Keybase는 2014년 창업해 현재까지 1,100만불 증자 https://t.co/Ek0xE50S9n pic.twitter.com/hpbsTbdnV6
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) May 7, 2020
I am very happy that @zoom_us has bought @KeybaseIO and announced a plan to offer an end-to-end encrypted mode that works with Zoom's video quality and scale. Details from @ericsyuan: https://t.co/itXI2D51do
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) May 7, 2020
To implement end-to-end encryption, video conferencing service @zoom_us has acquired @KeybaseIO, an encrypted messaging and file sharing platform.https://t.co/yymz9VbMfh pic.twitter.com/Xks1whj266
— ICO Drops (@ICODrops) May 8, 2020
Zoom has just acquired Keybase.https://t.co/BU8URD03vZ
— Graham Cluley (@gcluley) May 7, 2020
So @Zoom_us bought @KeybaseIO.
— Tom Morris ?️? (@tommorris) May 7, 2020
1. Basically an acquihire to patch Zoom's shit security.
2. Keybase's product is niche: most people don't care about strong encryption, they just like saying they care about it.
3. At least no more cryptocurrency BS.https://t.co/L1AVvoH9ia
RIP keybase https://t.co/WkmLg5fpgo
— Cadey Alicia Ratio ? (@theprincessxena) May 7, 2020
줌이 키베이스 인수하는군요. 종단간 암호화 보완 예정. 키베이스 괜찮게 봤는데 허허
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) May 7, 2020
Zoom Acquires Keybase and Announces Goal of Developing the Most Broadly Used Enterprise End-to-End Encryption Offering - Zoom Blog https://t.co/dHnlGEf4xk
Stop using @zoom_us (7/*)
— Robert (@robertoestivill) May 7, 2020
Over two years claiming their product had end to end encryption.
Today, they publicly announced the acquisition of Keybase to actually do it.https://t.co/3R8KsZIvPNhttps://t.co/q8H0UPzJnA pic.twitter.com/2vpcb5JQXw
Me minutes ago: Keybase has hit its low point. Nothing can be worse than being taken over by blockchain bros.
— Hynek Schlawack (@hynek) May 7, 2020
Me right now: *stands corrected*https://t.co/eL3HxUqeuv
Zoom Acquires Keybase and Announces Goal of Developing the Most Broadly Used Enterprise End-to-End Encryption Offering https://t.co/GjF6yQ5jTt
— Gabriele (@Gabry89) May 7, 2020
Zoom has acquired Keybase to strengthen their security. Since 2014, Keybase’s has built a secure messaging and file-sharing service leveraging their deep encryption and security expertise. They are going to help Zoom build end-to-end encryption for calls.https://t.co/cbC0YCYgsI
— Sheilah Birgen (@SheilahBirgen) May 7, 2020
"Zoom Acquires Keybase"
— Kevin Jones ?️? ?? (@vcsjones) May 7, 2020
... unexpected. https://t.co/ugBIfdQeIW
Zoom acquires @KeybaseIO. What does this mean for 3D gun printing groups, if anything?https://t.co/sBFQOmSCry
— Guns N' Bitcoin N' Face Masks (@GunsnBitcoin) May 7, 2020
Might want to get on Urbit just in case.https://t.co/e3xsuiGo5Y
— planet.market (@PlanetDotMarket) May 7, 2020
Zoom が Keybase を買収。Zoom はやることが極端w セキュリティーやプライバシーの問題が山積みになり、その対極にいるようなガチガチのところと組む展開。Keybase はガチ勢だけに、常人を無視した世界観なわけだが、果たして何を Zoom にもたらすのか?意識改革? https://t.co/zNWX1596h1
— Hiro SHINOHARA (@iAmH1r0) May 8, 2020
This is like discovering that peanut butter and chocolate go well together: @zoom_us has discovered that video conferencing needs some form of decentralized identity (in this case https://t.co/N9cm94DcMT) https://t.co/htSAjYLgGa
— Tim Bouma??? (@trbouma) May 7, 2020
That feeling when the platform that you hate with a history of face-palming security vulnerabilities buys your favorite secure platform. :/https://t.co/nNcWAT2FGS
— Tim Dysinger (@dysinger) May 7, 2020
ZoomがKeybase買収とか驚いたわ / “Zoom Acquires Keybase and Announces Goal of Developing the Most Broadly Used Enterprise End-to-End Encryption Offering - Zoom Blog” https://t.co/miVNsnNHvR
— SHIMIZU Taku (@takuan_osho) May 7, 2020