Antibody tests - the promise and the reality. https://t.co/jmxMuVnj8q via @WSJ
— Stefanie Ilgenfritz (@stefaniei) May 7, 2020
There are now a lot of antibody tests available for people to check if they were infected with the coronavirus. But there are also a lot of questions about how good and helpful these tests are, @deniseroland and @Brabbott42 report. https://t.co/2T6VOupKy9
— Jonathan Rockoff (@jonathanrockoff) May 7, 2020
Wouldn't it be nice to get an antibody test, learn you've already had the coronavirus, and strut around the pandemic-scape without a care?
— Matthew Piper (@matthew_piper) May 7, 2020
Yeah, but it's probably not going to work like that.
From @madeline_heim:https://t.co/QLyeP2BwE2
Should you get a coronavirus antibody test? Here's what you need to know about what the results actually mean.https://t.co/S5YU98pCse
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 7, 2020
Is coronavirus antibody testing the key to returning to normal? Here's what you need to know: https://t.co/g0T5bZpzeP
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 7, 2020
After weeks stuck at home, some people are seeking COVID-19 antibody testing to tell them if it's safe to venture out. Experts say they shouldn't.https://t.co/g0T5bZpzeP
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 7, 2020
Medical experts have some advice for Americans thinking about getting coronavirus antibody tests: Don't. https://t.co/GB1Yn2km1D
— USA TODAY Health (@USATODAYhealth) May 7, 2020
After two months in lockdown, some people hope they had COVID-19 and didn't realize it at the time. And they’re looking to antibody tests to tell them they don’t have to be so careful.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 7, 2020
Here’s why that may not be a good idea. https://t.co/g0T5bZpzeP
Among New Coronavirus Antibody Tests, Limited Value and Many Unknowns - WSJ https://t.co/SUpJmTIZlU
— Stephanie Armour (@StephArmour1) May 8, 2020