내년 오스카상 후보에 극장상영을 하지 않은 디지털 스트리밍 상영작을 포함하기로 결정. 단,해당 영화는 반드시 이미 영화개봉 계획이 있었던 작품이어야만 하고,스트리밍이나 VOD 릴리즈가 된 후 60일 이내에 아데미 스크리닝 룸 맴버 전용의 스트리밍 사이트에 등록되야함 https://t.co/CL6JxAO4Z2 pic.twitter.com/srMiTtv4Y9
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) April 28, 2020
Academy Alters Oscars Rules: Streaming Films Eligible, Sound Categories Combined, and More https://t.co/IF7eEotEey pic.twitter.com/q4JIv6H0A4
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) April 28, 2020
— ヒロ・マスダ / Hiro Masuda (@IchigoIchieFilm) April 29, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Academy will consider films that didn’t play in theaters for the Oscars.
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) April 28, 2020
However, these films must have already had a planned theatrical release to be eligible. (Source: https://t.co/G8eimCBXCx) pic.twitter.com/21J29YmBm2
The Academy has decided to combine Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing into one category titled Best Sound for the next Oscars ceremony. (Source: https://t.co/G8eimCBXCx) pic.twitter.com/V4dxjUaTQR
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) April 28, 2020
Oscars Will Consider Films That Didn’t Play in Theaters as Part of New Academy Rules https://t.co/02j8BpiruQ via @variety
— Richard Crouse (@RichardCrouse) April 28, 2020
— junkTokyo (@junktokyo) April 28, 2020
This is great news. For the first time, and only for this year, movies that debuted on a streaming service without a theatrical run will be eligible for #Oscars.
— George Vijay (@VijayIsMyLife) April 29, 2020
*However, the streamed film must have already had a planned theatrical release*https://t.co/zf0Mo9saBi
The Academy have announced they have added rules that will still nominate or consider films for the Oscar that didn't play in theaters due to the pandemic. This means some movies like Trolls World Tour and Scoob could be Oscar-nominated.https://t.co/0YjZELHq6V
— Animated Antic (@Animated_Antic) April 28, 2020
For one year only, @TheAcademy will allow films that were set to be released in theaters, but went to VOD because of coronavirus-related theater closures to be eligible for Oscar contention.
— Sarah Whitten (@sarahwhit10) April 28, 2020
Once theaters reopen, that exemption will no longer apply.https://t.co/hVsHceBEOI
Oscars Will Consider Films That Didn’t Play in Theaters as Part of New Academy Rules https://t.co/TbMV6qxxqU via @variety
— Shakyra Dowling Casting (@ShakyraDowling) April 29, 2020
Oscars Will Consider Films That Didn’t Play in Theaters as Part of New Academy Rules https://t.co/Q3LtTgTCzl @marcmalkin
— Avinash Das (@avinashonly) April 29, 2020
Me, reluctantly hitting pause on my stopwatch every time the force theme plays in Star Wars episode ten https://t.co/iCIoG6JluV pic.twitter.com/AuAjtdSYpt
— Dan Golding (@dangolding) April 28, 2020