Apple is changing how MacBooks with Thunderbolt 3 charge, looking to make them last longer. This seems slightly reminiscent of what Apple did to iPhones, but I don’t see any indication this will slow down laptops. @jsnell has an overview
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) April 16, 2020
Apple is changing the way that battery charging works by default on modern MacBooks in order to extend long-term battery lifespan. New feature appearing in today's macOS 10.15.5 developer seed:
— Jason Snell (@jsnell) April 16, 2020
Latest macOS beta has a new charge manager for recent MacBooks (with T3 ports) to preserve battery health. (No perf changes and you can turn on/off any time).
— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) April 16, 2020
? If you stay plugged in to render a ton of content, leave it on.
? If you’re going on a long plane ride, turn it off
- 맥 노트북 전원에 연결해 사용 시 배터리 대부분 경우 완충됨
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) April 16, 2020
- 이 경우 배터리 헬스 관리 기능 작동하고 완충 전에 충전 끝내
- 애플, 이 기능 iPhone에 수년 간 제공
- 배터리 용량 줄어 셧다운되는 것 방지하기 위해 CPU 감속시켜
- 대신 맥은 완충 제한해 다르게 작동
Apple is tweaking how MacBooks charge to extend their battery’s lifespan
— The Verge (@verge) April 16, 2020
Please do it right, please.
— Nikola Jovanovic (@PeckoPivo) April 16, 2020
Apple is tweaking how MacBooks charge to extend battery lifespan
Apple is tweaking how MacBooks charge to extend their battery’s lifespan
— The Verge (@verge) April 17, 2020
I've always been far more interested in preserving battery life in lieu of maxing-out the charge to 100%. Apple is finally adding this feature to MacOS. Hoping iOS follows soon.
— Mike Evans (@mikeev) April 16, 2020