Impressive & puts Stripe at a 44% premium to Square today. Granted private valuations are a bit nebulous but clearly they're doing something right. Who knows if they'll go public but remember, Shopify's success in part begets Stripe's success. $SHOP $SQ
— Jason A. Moser (@TMFJMo) April 16, 2020
Really inspiring to see the most valuable company in Silicon Valley founded and owned by 2 lads from Tipperary, powerful role models for the next generation of Ireland’s digital innovators ??
— Evan Cannon (@evancannon_) April 16, 2020
Stripe — Silicon Valley’s most valuable private start-up — raises at $36 billion valuation to help it ride the wave of a global economy shifting online ?
— Kate Rooney (@Kr00ney) April 16, 2020
Due to Covid.. "years of offline-to-online migration are being compressed into several weeks"
Scoop: Stripe raises $600 million
— Dan Primack (@danprimack) April 16, 2020
디지털 결제 플랫폼 스트라이프/Stripe가 360억불,약 43.2조원의 가치로 시리즈 G 라운드에 6억불을 추가 펀딩. 현재의 투자시장에서 거액의 투자가 이루어진 것이 화제인데,역시 잘 하고 있는 곳은 어려운 상황에서도 투자유치가 가능하다는 것을 보여주는 뉴스
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) April 16, 2020
So @stripe is now worth more than RBS and Barclays combined
— Simon Taylor (@sytaylor) April 16, 2020
The power of platforms... #fintech
Banks still have a huge advantage. Balance sheets. Balance sheet as a platform is a giant opportunity for the taking.
Any company that helps small businesses to move online or digitize offline processes will be a gold mine for the next few months. Stripe has processed over $1 billion in payments for customers who signed up in March. Also been following Docusign which is?
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) April 16, 2020
Another huge raise for Stripe, which is now valued at $36bn.
— Paul Loberman (@ploberman) April 16, 2020
Launched in 2011, their market cap is now higher than most banks.
However, whilst their business is centred around payments, is it fairer to compare them to the techno…
"Stripe raises $600 million at nearly $36 billion valuation"
— Liberty (@LibertyRPF) April 16, 2020
damn a G round...that's...G
— Ian Kar (@iankar_) April 16, 2020
— Yuki Mimuro (@yuki_mimu) April 16, 2020
Stripe raises $600M at $36B valuation in Series G extension, says it has $2B on its balance sheet | TechCrunch
Stripe raises $600M at $36B valuation in Series G extension, says it has $2B on its balance sheet via @techcrunch
— Edem Kumodzi ???? (@edemkumodzi) April 16, 2020
Stripe raises $600M at $36B valuation in Series G extension, says it has $2B on its balance sheet via @techcrunch
— Keisuke Kogure (@keysket) April 16, 2020
Stripe, Silicon Valley's most valuable #fintech start-up, raises new capital at $36 billion valuation ?#payments #finserv @stripe
— Sebnem Elif Kocaoglu Ulbrich (@sebnemelifk) April 17, 2020
Stripe 36億ドルの企業価値で、6億ドルを調達。コロナ渦は同社の決済代行ビジネスにとって前向きな環境。今年IPOすると見られていたが、未上場期間が伸びることになる見通し。
— Yoshi 吉田拓史 (@taxiyoshida) April 17, 2020
Payments platform Stripe raises $600 million at $36 billion valuation - Axios
— Moris Atwine (@morisatwine) April 17, 2020
Wow, in the middle of all this?! Digital payments platform @Stripe has raised $600 million in new funding and is now valued at nearly $36 billion! via @axios
— Atul Butte (@atulbutte) April 16, 2020
Phase 2 of a downturn: Payment platform Stripe raises $600 million at $36 billion valuation - Axios #fintech
— jalak jobanputra (@jalak) April 16, 2020
Pandemic has massively cut online payment's CAC while increasing penetration.
— EF (@evn98f) April 17, 2020
Now a $2B funding by a16z, Sequoia, and GV. Winner's move from Stripe.
Stripe raises $600M at $36B valuation in Series G extension, says it has $2B on its balance sheet – TechCrunch
— Ojimaojo Udale-Ameh (@uncooloj) April 17, 2020
미국의 결제 기업인 스트라이프가 시리즈 G 투자를 받았습니다. 43조 밸류에이션으로 7200억을 투자 유치했습니다.#link #stripe
— 44BITS 기술 블로그 ???? (@fortyfourbits) April 17, 2020
Stripe $36 billion の valuation で資金調達。先に上場している Slack($16.4B) の企業価値を既に超えてる。
— Satoshi Nakajima (@snakajima) April 17, 2020
Series G extension!
— 沖田 貴史 T.OKITA (@OKITATakashi) April 17, 2020
そもそもでファイナンス不要になっている一方で、さらに$600M積み増して手元資金を $2B(2000億超)に。強すぎる。
まじか。古巣、桁違いや…評価額上がり幅小さく見えて、1Bアップだからな。1000億評価額あげてる笑 桁違いすぎや…
— y_toku徳永 / インターナショナルTech(静岡移住人) (@y_toku) April 17, 2020