그 외에도 아주 리뷰가 좋은 자연 다큐인 The Elephant Queen이나 역시 리뷰가 괜찮은 M. Night Shymalan의 호러 드라마 시리즈 Servant도 찜. 애플 TV+의 무료 쇼들의 리스트에 대한 기사 https://t.co/Lvc4BT58e7
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) April 16, 2020
#CoronavirusOutbreak @Apple has made some of its original content on the Apple TV+ app for free for a limited timehttps://t.co/5hcIcUrZYx
— Express Technology (@ExpressTechie) April 10, 2020
You can watch some of Apple's original TV series for free for a limited time — here's a list of all of them https://t.co/icmXTCExrM
— Tech Insider (@techinsider) April 10, 2020